-------------------- + Dynamic trees: add 'dynamic_attrs' parameter support for item() (closes 313). + Dynamic trees: add support for user-defined tree item access checks (closes 314). * Add missing migrations, check them during testing. * Add QA for Python 3.11 and Django 5.0. Dropped QA for Python 3.6
-------------------- * Defined 'default_auto_field' in 'SiteTreeConfig'.
-------------------- * Fixed LazyTitle issues in Django 4.
-------------------- + Add 'extra_class_ul' variable to Bootstrap and Foundation templates. + Add Bootstrap 5 templates. * Fixed 'sitetreedump' command (see 295). * Fixed app config handling in INSTALLED_APPS (see 292). * Permissions in dynamic item are now lazy evaluated (see 302).
-------------------- + Introduced 'SITETREE_CACHE_NAME' setting. * Fixed tree item resolution for URLs having special chars (see 288). * Improved URL resolution performance.