* New methods ``get_validate_upload_form_class`` and ``get_validate_upload_form_kwargs`` on S3UploadFormView, to make the validation form easier to extend/override. Thanks Josh Crompton.
* Pass-through (the upload/redirect) and validate CSRF token when processing uploads. * Prevent Dropzone 'success' styling until processing has also finished. * A custom ``processed_key_generator`` can be passed to ValidateS3UploadForm instances.
* ``ValidateS3UploadForm`` now renames/relocates files during the processing of uploads. * Support for setting ``Cache-Control`` header. * Ensure other http header data is retained when updating key metadata.
* Ensure use of UTC when constructing expiration time for policy. * Fixed bug when generating the form action url if the storage location was empty.
* Fix for typo in settigs. * Better file handling.
* Added missing ``python-magic`` to setup. * Fixed import typo in sphinx configuration.