------------------- * Fixes for xlsx Content-Type: * django-tables2-reports throws 500 Sever Error when report format is not recognized. 404 is more appropriate in this case. * django-tables2-reports sets Content-Type to application/vnd.ms-excel for xlsx files which causes warnings in Firefox. application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet is the correct Content-Type for xlsx * Support to Django 1.7 (I'm sorry to the delay) * Adding new feature: exclude_from_report * And a little details * Thanks to: * `Ramana Varanasi <https://github.com/sramana>`_ * `Mihas <https://github.com/mihasK>`_ * `Paulgueltekin <https://github.com/paulgueltekin>`_ * `David Ray <https://github.com/daaray>`_
------------------ * Compatible with the future version of Django (>=1.7) * Update the tests * Refactor the code * Fix a bug when the title of the sheet is longer than 31 * Thanks to: * `Pavel Zaytsev <https://github.com/stelzzz>`_
------------------ * `Refactor the csv_to_excel module <https://github.com/goinnn/django-tables2-reports/commit/51c8cee2500f73ba8b823a81fc5ad9b3f2a62d83>`_. In the next release this package will be a pypi egg. * Support for `openpyxl <http://pythonhosted.org/openpyxl/>`_ * Integration with travis and coveralls * Fix an error if you use the theme paleblue * Fix test with python 3 * Fix some details * Test project * Thanks to: * `Michał Pasternak <https://github.com/mpasternak>`_ * `Mark Jones <https://github.com/mark0978>`_
* Russian translations * Thanks to: * `Armicron <https://github.com/armicron>`_
* Python3 support * Polish translation * Thanks to: * `Michał Pasternak <https://github.com/mpasternak>`_