
Latest version: v0.1.5

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- Fix styling of vertical filter selector buttons and boxes in response to changes in ``djangocms-admin-style``
- Add bottom margin to non-paginated publication lists
- Remove 'Abstract' button from modal
- Resolve Django 1.8 warnings
- Update README with more complete and accurate instructions


- Allow manual entry of Publications that don't have a PubMed ID
- Use django-taggit-helpers in admin
- Rename deprecated queryset method
- Configure bumpversion & wheel for easier distribution
- Convert README and changelog to reStructuredText for distribution via PyPI
- Minor changes to admin interface

- Change pagination description to 'pubs per page'
- Add/update help text for 'tags' and 'pagination'


- Allow bulk PubMed queries for a Publication Set
- Allow a Publication Set to be created without publications
- Default to no pagination (hides page '1' button for short publication sets)
- Set default Publication Set label to 'Publications'
- Admin improvements

- Publication Admin

- Reorder Publication Admin's inlines
- Add year and PubMed ID to Publication Admin search field
- Display (and sort by) of Publication Sets in Publication Admin

- Publication Set Admin

- In Publication Set Admin, move publications from a tabular inline to a vertical filter
- Reorder Publication Set Admin's list display items
- Filter Publication Set records by whether its Bulk PubMed Query failed
- Display whether a Publication Set's Bulk PubMed Query status is OK

- Other

- Update and improve layout of help text
- Add short descriptions for custom list display items
- Add docstring for MissingAttachmentListFilter


- Expand documentation for installation and configuration
- Add mini_citation field to Publication

- Helps identify publication when in edit mode (without expanding PubMed Metadata fieldset)
- Helps naming associated files (PDF, Supplemental, and Image) by providing a base name
- Bumps ``pubmed-lookup`` dependency to version 0.1.1

- Many improvements to Publication and Publication Set Admins

- Rearrange Publication Admin fieldsets
- Add PublicationSetInline to PublicationAdmin
- Add save button across tops of Publication and Publication Set Admins
- Now Powered by Blackina
- Display whether a record has PDF/Supp/Image attachments in Publication Admin
- Filter PublicationAdmin by missing/existing attachments
- Filter Publication and Publication Set Admins by tags for the current model only
- Show (and sort by) 'number of publications' for records in Publication Set Admin


- Allow multiple Publication Set plugins per page
- Use Publication Set's name, not label, for ``__str__`` and ordering


- A Django app for adding sets of scientific publications with PubMed metadata to a Django site with django CMS-specific features



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