--------- * Minor fixes to math formatting problems in docs
* Fixed bug caused by very high frequency mutations
--------- * Added ``merge_method`` of ``median`` to ``dms_merge``.
* Make compatible with ``weblogo`` version 3.5.
* Cleaned up some plot formatting
------------- * Added ``dms_subassemble`` program
* Added ``dms_matchsubassembledbarcodes`` program
* Augmented ``dms_summarizealignments`` to handle output from ``dms_subassemble`` and ``dms_matchsubassembledbarcodes``
* Deleted loop counters that were previously still defined as package-level variables
* Added ``*singlemuttypes.pdf`` plot to ``dms_summarizealignments`` for *barcodedsubamplicons*.
* Added ``overlay_cmap`` option to ``dms_logoplot``
* Updated docs about installation
------------ * Added ``--mapmetric`` option to ``dms_logoplot`` to allow mapping of molecular weight, charge, or functional group to logoplot letter color.
* Added ``--markersize`` option to ``dms_correlate`` and turned clipping off to allow larger markers.
------------ * Some tweaks to ``dms_correlate`` to clarify parser and improve appearance of correlation plots.
* Added ``--restrictdiffsel`` option to ``dms_logoplot`` to only plot positive or negative site differential selection.
* Added ``--nosepline`` option to ``dms_logoplot`` to plot differential selection without black line separating positive and negative values.
---------- * Added ``--errorcontrolcounts`` to ``dms_diffselection``.