* some internal speedups for `SingleTokenLooupAnnotator`, `MultiTokenLookupAnnotator` and `LookupTrie`
* caching for sorting annotations, which helps with speed
* the `pre_match_words` attribute for `RegexpAnnotator`
* the option to provide a `LookupTrie` to a `MultiTokenAnnotator` directly
* a method for getting all words or, for looking up tokens with specific text values in a `TokenList`, with options for `matching_pipeline`
* automated build/publish on merge to main
* sorting `Annotation` and `AnnotationSet` now requires sort key to be provided as a `tuple`, and callbacks as a `frozendict`
* renamed `docdeid.tokenize` to `docdeid.tokenizer`
* renamed `docdeid.process.doc` to `docdeid.process.doc_processor`
* renamed `docdeid.process.annotation_set` to `docdeid.process.annotation_processor`
* `Annotation` and `Token` now only include `int`/`str` fields when serializing
* formatting and linting settings
* moved the logic for linking tokens to `TokenList` rather than `Tokenizer`
* use `casefold()` instead of `lower()` for lowercasing
* a bug with overlapping annotations in `MultiTokenLookupAnnotator`
* automated coverage reporting