
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 701847 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* fixed database initialization issues
* move away from rsa to m2crypto
* s3 enhancements and bug fixes
* enforce additional checks on image ids


* "loose" dependencies mechanism (DEPS=loose environment var will let you install without strictly versioned dependencies)
* enhanced python version compatibility
* enhanced style checking
* enhanced testing
* uniformized various gunicorn start stances
* enhanced/cleaned-up debugging
* removed unused endpoints and code
* improved documentation
* more complete CORS support (as en extra)
* boto/gevent bugfixes
* documentation improvements


* security fixes (path traversing prevention and token validation)


Not secure
* configuration rehaul: - beware this breaks API for the drivers, and the core package has been updated accordingly to denote that
* better redis error handling
* improved coverage
* experimental (undocumented) new-relic bundle support
* bugsnag and new-relic are now installable as setup-tools "extras"
* centralized version and other meta-informations
* port / host and other gunicorn options are more consistent
* mirroring fixes
* tarfile: pax header and xattr support
* some dependency requirements loosen (extras, test and style requirements)


Not secure
* [BUGFIX] fixed default value for standalone to true


Not secure
* [BUGFIX] fixed configuration handling on standalone mode

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