See the [documentation](
This is the first release since the fork from Ouroboros 1.3.0.
* Add [`docupdater.notifiers` label]( to override notification on a specific container/service. See [the notification documentation](
* Add [`--template-file` option]( and [`docupdater.template_file` label]( to edit notification message with a jinja2 template.
* Add [`--skip-tart-notif` option]( to skip startup notification.
* Add [`--wait` option]( and [`docupdater.wait` label]( to define a pause time between update.
* Add [`--create-first` option]( to force Docupdater to create the new container before deleting the old.
* Add [`docupdater.latest` label]( to override on a container/service the [latest option](
**Bug fixes:**
* Every services are now updated by default.
* Fix docker credentials usage.
* Many fixes on standalone container.
* Self updater (Docupdater update) are now working.
* Raise an readable exception when that run on docker swarm worker. 5
**Breaking change:**
* Remove `--swarm` option. We are now updating every services and standalone containers automatically. But the options [`--disable-containers-check`]( and [`--disable-services-check`]( are added.
* Remove `--self-update` option. If you need to disable Docupdater auto update, you can use the [label `docupdater.disable`](
* `--dry-run` option is temporary removed.
* Remove `--monitor` and `--ignore` options. To enable or disable updater on some container/service the only wait is to use label [`docupdater.enable`]( or [`docupdater.disable`](
* The options `--label-enable` and `--labels-only` are replaced by the [option `--label`](
* The labels `com.ouroboros.depends_on` and `com.ouroboros.hard_depends_on`are temporary removed.
* Move [documentation]( for Github wiki to Github Pages. You can now open pull request to update it.
* On [documentation]( add many docker services examples.
* Replace `argparse` by [`click`]( package
* Refractor code to use POO concept
* Move from Jenkins to Travis-CI
* Add unit tests and coverage