
Latest version: v1.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Adds Django 2.0 support (120)
* Deletes duplicate migration (117)
* Allow basemodel reuseability (108)
* Fixe for logging with transactions (104)
* Changes `view` and `view_method` to be nullable and shorter (103)


* refactor(): test urls usage for django 1.10
* Add on_delete argument for Django 2.0 compatibility (85)
* Remove useless comments (90)
* (add) Comments, tests and some docs for the new features.
* (add) Some optimizations. Expose some hooks to the end user.
* (fix) Ensure at application level that response duration is positive.
* (fix) Validate that `CLEANED_SUBSTITUTE` is str. (82)
* Small Refactor (81)
* Sanitize nested sensitive fields. (80)
* Log request body on parsing errors (77)
* Unit test fixes (76)


* See `1.3.0` for all changes in this release
* Corrects TravisCI distributions setting
* Corrects library version for actual publishing to PyPi


* Custom logging condition (clean history) (60)
* Fix Coverage.py configuration (61)
* Prevent log save failure to break API call (58)
* Save log once when request fully processed (55)
* Fix: 'Request' object has no attribute 'log' (54, 53)
* Drops Django 1.7 testing support
* Adds Django 1.11 testing support (50)
* Adds model string method (37)
* Adds graceful handling of logging failture (49)
* feat(): remove some key which may cause security issue (46)

Thanks to ( frankie567, vince-stark , jameshiew, triat )


Not secure
* Adds pytz as a library requirement (36)
* Adds Flaky library for testing (42)
* Logs traceback errors onto the RequestLog model (18)

NOTE: New features expand on the current feature set. However, no current features should break. Upgrade accordingly.

Thanks to ( , jameshiew, aschn )


Not secure
- Adds name of the view to the Request log (34)
- Fixes crash on ParseError in LoggingMixin (27) (35)
- Addresses exception raised for Unsupported Media Type API tracking
- Adds ability to define methods to be logged explicitly (17)
- Uses a more relaxed split() to split IP Address in `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR` request header

NOTE: New features expand on the current feature set. However, no current features should break. Upgrade accordingly.

Thanks to ( triat , tilboerner , gingerjoos , zatarus , MissFilly )

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