- Add support for generating schema from `responses` argument of
- Add explicit support for `django==3.1` and `djangorestframework-jsonapi==3.2`
- Deprecate `InlineSerializerInspector` and `InlineSerializerSmartInspector` in favor
of `JSONAPISerializerInspector` and `JSONAPISerializerSmartInspector`
- to generate docs for JSON API views use `JSONAPISerializerInspector`
(or `JSONAPISerializerSmartInspector` to use *smart* feature described in README)
- to generate docs for **non** JSON API views use `drf-yasg` basic `ReferencingSerializerInspector`
(or `InlineSerializerInspector` if you're using inline schema)
- to generate docs for both JSON API and **non** JSON API use `drf-yasg-json-api` inspector followed
by `drf-yasg` inspector, see default configuration in README