
Latest version: v1.0.5

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- Workaround for OptiX linking issue in driver version R570+. (commit `0c9c54e <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit-core/commit/0c9c54ec5c2963dd576c5a16d10fb2d63d67166f>`__).
- Tensors can now be used as condition and state variables of ``dr.if_stmt/while_loop``. (commit `4691fe <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit-core/commit/4691fe4421bfd7002cd9c5d998617db0f40cce35>`__).



- Release was retracted



- Fixes to :py:func:`drjit.wrap`. (commit `166be21 <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit/pull/326/commits/166be21886e9fc66fe389cbc6f5becec1bfb3417>`__).



- Warning about NVIDIA drivers v565+. (commit `b5fd886 <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit-core/commit/b5fd886dcced5b7e5b229e94e2b9e702ae6aba46>`__).
- Support for boolean Python arguments in :py:func:`drjit.select`. (commit `d0c8811 <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit/commit/d0c881187c9ec0def50ef3f6cde32dacd86a96b4>`__).
- Backend refactoring: vectorized calls are now also isolated per variant. (commit `17bc707 <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit/commit/17bc7078918662b06c6e80c3b5f3ac1d5f9f118f>`__).
- Fixes to `dr::safe_cbrt`. (commit `2f8a3ab <https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/drjit/commit/2f8a3ab1acbf8e187a0ef4e248d0f65c00e27e3f>`__).



- Fixes to various edges cases of :py:func:`drjit.dda.dda` (commit `4ce97d



The 1.0 release of Dr.Jit marks a major new phase of this project. We addressed
long-standing limitations and thoroughly documented every part of Dr.Jit.
Due to the magnitude of the changes, some incompatibilities are unavoidable:
bullet points with an exclamation mark highlight changes with an impact on
source-level compatibility.

Here is what's new:

- **Python bindings**: Dr.Jit comes with an all-new set of Python bindings
created using the `nanobind <https://github.com/wjakob/nanobind>`__ library.
This has several consequences:

- Tracing Dr.Jit code written in Python is now *significantly* faster (we've
observed speedups by a factor of ~10-20×). This should help in situations
where performance is limited by tracing rather than kernel evaluation.

- Thorough type annotations improve static type checking and code
completion in editors like `VS Code <https://code.visualstudio.com>`__.

- Dr.Jit can now target Python 3.12's `stable ABI
<https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/stable.html#stable-abi>`__. This means
that binary wheels will work on future versions of Python without

- **Natural syntax**: vectorized loops and conditionals can now be expressed
using natural Python syntax. To see what this means, consider the following
function that computes an integer power of a floating point array:

.. code-block:: python

from drjit.cuda import Int, Float

dr.syntax <-- new!
def ipow(x: Float, n: Int):
result = Float(1)

while n != 0: <-- vectorized loop ('n' is an array)
if n & 1 != 0: <-- vectorized conditional
result *= x
x *= x
n >>= 1

return result

Given that this function processes arrays, we expect that condition of the
``if`` statement may disagree among elements. Also, each element may need a
different number of loop iterations. However, such component-wise
conditionals and loops aren't supported by normal Python. Previously, Dr.Jit
provided ways of expressing such code using masking and a special
``dr.cuda.Loop`` object, but this was rather tedious.

The new :py:func:`drjit.syntax <drjit.syntax>` decorator greatly simplifies
the development of programs with complex control flow. It performs an
automatic source code transformation that replaces conditionals and loops
with array-compatible variants (:py:func:`drjit.while_loop`,
:py:func:`drjit.if_stmt`). The transformation leaves everything else as-is,
including line number information that is relevant for debugging.

- **Differentiable control flow**: symbolic control flow constructs (loops)
previously failed with an error message when they detected differentiable
variables. In the new version of Dr.Jit, symbolic operations (loops, function
calls, and conditionals) are now differentiable in both forward and reverse
modes, with one exception: the reverse-mode derivative of loops is still
incomplete and will be added in the next version of Dr.Jit.

- **Documentation**: every Dr.Jit function now comes with extensive reference
documentation that clearly specifies its behavior and accepted inputs. The
behavior with respect to tensors and arbitrary object graphs (referred to as
:ref:`"PyTrees" <pytrees>`) was made consistent.

- **Half-precision arithmetic**: Dr.Jit now provides ``float16``-valued arrays
and tensors on both the LLVM and CUDA backends (e.g.,
:py:class:`drjit.cuda.ad.TensorXf16` or :py:class:`drjit.llvm.Float16`).

- **Mixed-precision optimization**: Dr.Jit now maintains one global AD graph
for all variables, enabling differentiation of computation combining single-,
double, and half precision variables. Previously, there was a separate graph
per type, and gradients did not propagate through casts between them.

- **Multi-framework computations**: The :py:func:`drjit.wrap <drjit.wrap>` decorator
provides a differentiable bridge to other AD frameworks. In this new release
of Dr.Jit, its capabilities were significantly revamped. Besides PyTorch, it
now also supports JAX, and it consistently handles both forward and backward
derivatives. The new interface admits functions with arbitrary
fixed/variable-length positional and keyword arguments containing arbitrary
PyTrees of differentiable and non-differentiable arrays, tensors, etc.

- **Debug mode**: A new debug validation mode (:py:attr:`drjit.JitFlag.Debug`)
inserts a number of additional checks to identify sources of undefined
behavior. Enable it to catch out-of-bounds reads, writes, and calls to
undefined callables. Such operations will trigger a warning that includes the
responsible source code location.

The following built-in assertion checks are also active in debug mode. They
support both regular and symbolic inputs in a consistent fashion.

- :py:func:`drjit.assert_true`,
- :py:func:`drjit.assert_false`,
- :py:func:`drjit.assert_equal`.

- **Symbolic print statement**: A new high-level *symbolic* print operation
:py:func:`drjit.print` enables deferred printing from any symbolic context
(i.e., within symbolic loops, conditionals, and function calls). It is
compatible with Jupyter notebooks and displays arbitrary :ref:`PyTrees
<pytrees>` in a structured manner. This operation replaces the function
``drjit.print_async()`` provided in previous releases.

- **Swizzling**: swizzle access and assignment operator are now provided. You
can use them to arbitrarily reorder, grow, or shrink the input array.

.. code-block:: python

a = Array4f(...), b = Array2f(...)
a.xyw = a.xzy + b.xyx

- **Scatter-reductions**: the performance of atomic scatter-reductions
(:py:func:`drjit.scatter_reduce`, :py:func:`drjit.scatter_add`) has been
*significantly* improved. Both functions now provide a ``mode=`` parameter to
select between different implementation strategies. The new strategy
:py:attr:`drjit.ReduceMode.Expand` offers a speedup of *over 10×* on the LLVM
backend compared to the previously used local reduction strategy.
Furthermore, improved code generation for :py:attr:`drjit.ReduceMode.Local`
brings a roughly 20-40% speedup on the CUDA backend. See the documentation
section on :ref:`atomic reductions <reduce-local>` for details and
benchmarks with plots.

* **Packet memory operations**: programs often gather or scatter several memory
locations that are directly next to each other in memory. In principle, it
should be possible to do such reads or writes more efficiently.

Dr.Jit now features improved code generation to realize this optimization
for calls to :py:func:`dr.gather() <gather>` and :py:func:`dr.scatter()
<scatter>` that access a power-of-two-sized chunk of contiguous array
elements. On the CUDA backend, this operation leverages native package memory
instruction, which can produce small speedups on the order of ~5-30%. On the
LLVM backend, packet loads/stores now compile to aligned packet loads/stores
with a transpose operation that brings data into the right shape. Speedups
here are dramatic (up to >20× for scatters, 1.5 to 2× for gathers). See the
:py:attr:`drjit.JitFlag.PacketOps` flag for details. On the LLVM backend,
packet scatter-addition furthermore compose with the
:py:attr:`drjit.ReduceMode.Expand` optimization explained in the last point,
which combines the benefits of both steps. This is particularly useful when
computing the reverse-mode derivative of packet reads.

- **Reductions**: reduction operations previously existed as *regular* (e.g.,
:py:func:`drjit.all`) and *nested* (e.g. ``drjit.all_nested``) variants. Both
are now subsumed by an optional ``axis`` argument similar to how this works
in other array programming frameworks like NumPy. Reductions can now also
process any number of axes on both regular Dr.Jit arrays and tensors.

The reduction functions (:py:func:`drjit.all` :py:func:`drjit.any`,
:py:func:`drjit.sum`, :py:func:`drjit.prod`, :py:func:`drjit.min`,
:py:func:`drjit.max`) have different default axis values depending on the
input type. For tensors, ``axis=None`` by default and the reduction is
performed along the entire underlying array recursively, analogous to the
previous nested reduction. For all other types, the reduction is performed
over the outermost axis (``axis=0``) by default.

Aliases for the ``_nested`` function variants still exist to help porting but
are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

- **Prefix reductions**: the functions :py:func:`drjit.cumsum`,
:py:func:`drjit.prefix_sum` compute inclusive or exclusive prefix sums along
arbitrary axes of a tensor or array. They wrap for the more general
:py:func:`drjit.prefix_reduce` that also supports other arithmetic operations
(e.g. minimum/maximum/product/and/or reductions), reverse reductions, etc.

- **Block reductions**: the new functions :py:func:`drjit.block_reduce` and
:py:func:`drjit.block_prefix_reduce` compute reductions within contiguous
blocks of an array.

- **Local memory**: kernels can now allocate temporary thread-local memory and
perform arbitrary indexed reads and writes. This is useful to implement a
stack or other types of scratch space that might be needed by a calculation.
See the separate documentation section about :ref:`local memory
<local_memory>` for details.

- **DDA**: a newly added *digital differential analyzer*
(:py:func:`drjit.dda.dda`) can be used to traverse the intersection of a ray
segment and an n-dimensional grid. The function
:py:func:`drjit.dda.integrate()` builds on this functionality to compute
analytic differentiable line integrals of bi- and trilinear interpolants.

- **Loop compression**: the implementation of evaluated loops (previously
referred to as wavefront mode) visits all entries of the loop state variables
at every iteration, even when most of them have already finished executing the
loop. Dr.Jit now provides an optional ``compress=True`` parameter in
:py:func:`drjit.while_loop` to prune away inactive entries and accelerate
later loop iterations.

- The new release has a strong focus on error resilience and leak avoidance.
Exceptions raised in custom operations, function dispatch, symbolic loops,
etc., should not cause failures or leaks. Both Dr.Jit and nanobind are very
noisy if they detect that objects are still alive when the Python interpreter
shuts down.

- **Terminology cleanup**: Dr.Jit has two main ways of capturing control flow
(conditionals, loops, function calls): it can evaluate each possible outcome
eagerly, causing it to launch many small kernels (this is now called:
*evaluated mode*). The second is to capture control flow and merge it into
the same kernel (this is now called *symbolic mode*). Previously,
inconsistent and rendering-specific terminology was used to refer to these
two concepts.

Several entries of the :py:class:`drjit.JitFlag` enumeration were renamed to
reflect this fact (for example, ``drjit.JitFlag.VCallRecord`` is now called
:py:attr:`drjit.JitFlag.SymbolicCalls`). The former entries still exist as
(deprecated) aliases.

- **Index reuse**: variable indices (:py:attr:`drjit.ArrayBase.index`,
:py:attr:`drjit.ArrayBase.index_ad`) used to monotonically increase as
variables were being created. Internally, multiple hash tables were needed to
associate these ever-growing indices with locations in an internal variable
array, which which had a surprisingly large impact on tracing performance.
Dr.Jit removes this mapping both at the AD and JIT levels and eagerly reuses
variable indices.

This change can be inconvenient for low-level debugging, where it was often
helpful to inspect the history of operations involving a particular variable
by searching a trace dump for mentions of its variable index. Such trace dumps
were generated by setting :py:func:`drjit.set_log_level` to a level of
:py:attr:`drjit.LogLevel.Debug` or even :py:attr:`drjit.LogLevel.Trace`. A
new flag was introduced to completely disable variable reuse and help such
debugging workflows:

.. code-block:: python

dr.set_flag(dr.JitFlag.ReuseIndices, False)

Note that this causes the internal variable array to steadily grow, hence
this feature should only be used for brief debugging sessions.

- The :py:func:`drjit.empty` function used to immediate allocate an array of
the desired shape (compared to, say, :py:func:`drjit.zero` which creates a
literal constant array that consumes no device memory). Users found this
surprising, so the behavior was changed so that :py:func:`drjit.empty`
similarly delays allocation.

- **Fast math**: Dr.Jit now has an optimization flag named
:py:attr:`drjit.JitFlag.FastMath` that is reminiscent of ``-ffast-math`` in
C/C++ compilers. It enables program simplifications such as ``a*0 == 0`` that
are not always valid. For example, equality in this example breaks when ``a``
is infinite or equal to NaN. The flag is on by default since it can
considerably improve performance especially when targeting GPUs.

⚠️ Compatibility ⚠️

- **Symbolic loop syntax**: the old "recorded loop" syntax is no longer
supported. Existing code will need adjustments to use

- **Comparison operators**: The ``==`` and ``!=`` comparisons previously
reduced the result of to a single Python ``bool``. They now return an array
of component-wise comparisons to be more consistent with other array
programming frameworks. Use :py:func:`dr.all(a == b) <all>` or
:py:func:`dr.all(a == b, axis=None) <all>` to get the previous behavior.

The functions ``drjit.eq()`` and ``drjit.neq()`` for element-wise
equality and inequality tests were removed, as their behavior is now subsumed
by the builtin ``==`` and ``!=`` operators.

- **Matrix layout**: The Dr.Jit matrix type switched from column-major to
row-major storage. Your code will need to be updated if it indexes into
matrices first by column and then row (``matrix[col][row]``) instead of
specifying the complete location ``matrix[row, col]``. The latter convention
is consistent between both versions.


This section documents lower level changes that don't directly impact the
Python API.

- Compilation of Dr.Jit is faster and produces smaller binaries. Downstream
projects built on top of Dr.Jit will also see improvements on both metrics.

- Dr.Jit now builds a support library (``libdrjit-extra.so``) containing large
amounts of functionality that used to be implemented using templates. The
disadvantage of the previous template-heavy approach was that this code ended
up getting compiled over and over again especially when Dr.Jit was used
within larger projects such as `Mitsuba 3 <https://mitsuba-renderer.org>`__,
where this caused very long compilation times.

The following features were moved into this library:

* Transcendental functions (:py:func:`drjit.log`, :py:func:`drjit.atan2`,
etc.) now have pre-compiled implementations for Jit arrays. Automatic
differentiation of such operations was also moved into

* The AD layer was rewritten to reduce the previous
backend (``drjit/autodiff.h``) into a thin wrapper around
functionality in ``libdrjit-extra.so``. The previous AD-related shared
library ``libdrjit-autodiff.so`` no longer exists.

* The template-based C++ interface to perform vectorized method calls on
instance arrays (``drjit/vcall.h``, ``drjit/vcall_autodiff.h``,
``drjit/vcall_jit_reduce.h``, ``drjit/vcall_jit_record.h``) was removed and
turned into generic implementation within the ``libdrjit-extra.so``
library. All functionality (symbolic/evaluated model, automatic
differentiation) is now exposed through a single statically precompiled
function (``ad_call``). The same function is also used to realize the Python
interface (:py:func:`drjit.switch`, :py:func:`drjit.dispatch`).

To de-emphasize C++ *virtual* method calls (the interface is more broadly
about calling things in parallel), the header file was renamed to
``drjit/call.h``. All macro uses of ``DRJIT_VCALL_*`` should be renamed to

* Analogous to function calls, the Python and C++ interfaces to
symbolic/evaluated loops and conditionals are each implemented through a
single top-level function (``ad_loop`` and ``ad_cond``) in
``libdrjit-extra.so``. This removes large amounts of template code and
accelerates compilation.

- Improvements to CUDA and LLVM backends kernel launch configurations that
more effectively use the available parallelism.

- The packet mode backend (``include/drjit/packet.h``) now includes support
for ``aarch64`` processors via NEON intrinsics. This is actually an old
feature from a predecessor project (Enoki) that was finally revived.

- The ``nb::set_attr()`` function that was previously used to update modified
fields queried by a *getter* no longer exists. Dr.Jit now uses a simpler way
to deal with getters. The technical reason that formerly required the
presence of this function doesn't exist anymore.


- Packet-mode virtual function call dispatch (``drjit/vcall_packet.h``)
was removed.

- The legacy string-based IR in Dr.Jit-core has been removed.

- The ability to instantiate a differentiable array on top of a
non-JIT-compiled type (e.g., ``dr::DiffArray<float>``) was removed. This was
in any case too inefficient to be useful besides debugging.

Other minor technical improvements

- :py:func:`drjit.switch` and :py:func:`drjit.dispatch` now support all
standard Python calling conventions (positional, keyword, variable length).

- There is a new C++ interface named :cpp:func:`drjit::dispatch` that works
analogously to the Python version.

- The ``drjit.reinterpret_array_v`` function was renamed to

- The :py:func:`drjit.llvm.PCG32.seed` function (and other backend variants)
were modified to add the lane counter to both `initseq` and `initstate`.
Previously, the counter was only added to the former, which led to noticeable
correlation artifacts.



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