* `do`-like notation (the idea comes from Haskell of course). This is the biggest and most important addition to the release which greatly increases the ergonomics of using monads in Ruby. Basically, almost everything it does is passing a block to a given method. You call `yield` on monads to extract the values. If any operation fails i.e. no value can be extracted, the whole computation is halted and the failing step becomes a result. With `Do` you don't need to chain monadic values with `fmap/bind` and block, everything can be done on a single level of indentation. Here is a more or less real-life example:
class CreateUser
include Dry::Monads
include Dry::Monads::Do.for(:call)
attr_reader :user_repo
def initialize(:user_repo)
user_repo = user_repo
def call(params)
json = yield parse_json(params)
hash = yield validate(json)
user_repo.transaction do
user = yield create_user(hash[:user])
yield create_profile(user, hash[:profile])
def parse_json(params)
Try[JSON::ParserError] {
def validate(json)
def create_user(user_data)
Try[Sequel::Error] { user_repo.create(user_data) }.to_result
def create_profile(user, profile_data)
Try[Sequel::Error] {
user_repo.create_profile(user, profile_data)
In the code above any `yield` can potentially fail and return the failure reason as a result. In other words, `yield None` acts as `return None`. Internally, `Do` uses exceptions, not `return`, this is somewhat slower but allows to detect failed operations in DB-transactions and roll back the changes which far more useful than an unjustifiable speed boost (flash-gordon)
* The `Task` monad based on `Promise` from the [`concurrent-ruby` gem]( `Task` represents an asynchronous computation which _can be_ (doesn't have to!) run on a separated thread. `Promise` already offers a good API and implemented in a safe manner so `dry-monads` just adds a monad-compatible interface for it. Out of the box, `concurrent-ruby` has three types of executors for running blocks: `:io`, `:fast`, `:immediate`, check out [the docs]( for details. You can provide your own executor if needed (flash-gordon)
include Dry::Monads::Task::Mixin
def call
name = Task { get_name_via_http } runs a request in the background
email = Task { get_email_via_http } runs another one request in the background
to_result forces both computations/requests to complete by pausing current thread
returns `Result::Success/Result::Failure`
name.bind { |n| email.fmap { |e| create(e, n) } }.to_result
`Task` works perfectly with `Do`
include Dry::Monads::Do.for(:call)
def call
name, email = yield Task { get_name_via_http }, Task { get_email_via_http }
Success(create(e, n))
* `Lazy` is a copy of `Task` that isn't run until you ask for the value _for the first time_. It is guaranteed the evaluation is run at most once as opposed to lazy assignment `||=` which isn't synchronized. `Lazy` is run on the same thread asking for the value (flash-gordon)
* Automatic type inference with `.typed` for lists was deprecated. Instead, typed list builders were added
list = List::Task[Task { get_name }, Task { get_email }]
list.traverse => Task(List['John', ''])
The code above runs two tasks in parallel and automatically combines their results with `traverse` (flash-gordon)
* `Try` got a new call syntax supported in Ruby 2.5+
Try[ArgumentError, TypeError] { unsafe_operation }
Prior to 2.5, it wasn't possible to pass a block to `[]`.
* The `Validated` “monad” that represents a result of a validation. Suppose, you want to collect all the errors and return them at once. You can't have it with `Result` because when you `traverse` a `List` of `Result`s it returns the first value and this is the correct behavior from the theoretical point of view. `Validated`, in fact, doesn't have a monad instance but provides a useful variant of applicative which concatenates the errors.
include Dry::Monads
include Dry::Monads::Do.for(:call)
def call(input)
name, email = yield [
Success(create(name, email))
can return
* Success(User(...))
* Invalid(List[:invalid_name])
* Invalid(List[:invalid_email])
* Invalid(List[:invalid_name, :invalid_email])
In the example above an array of `Validated` values is implicitly coerced to `List::Validated`. It's supported because it's useful but don't forget it's all about types so don't mix different types of monads in a single array, the consequences are unclear. You always can be explicit with `List::Validated[validate_name(...), ...]`, choose what you like (flash-gordon).
* `Failure`, `None`, and `Invalid` values now store the line where they were created. One of the biggest downsides of dealing with monadic code is lack of backtraces. If you have a long list of computations and one of them fails how do you know where did it actually happen? Say, you've got `None` and this tells you nothing about _what variable_ was assigned to `None`. It makes sense to use `Result` instead of `Maybe` and use distinct errors everywhere but it doesn't always look good and forces you to think more. TLDR; call `.trace` to get the line where a fail-case was constructed
Failure(:invalid_name).trace => app/operations/create_user.rb:43
* `Dry::Monads::Unit` which can be used as a replacement for `Success(nil)` and in similar situations when you have side effects yet doesn't return anything meaningful as a result. There's also the `.discard` method for mapping any successful result (i.e. `Success(?)`, `Some(?)`, `Value(?)`, etc) to `Unit`.
we're making an HTTP request but "forget" any successful result,
we only care if the task was complete without an error
Task { do_http_request }.discard
... wait for the task to finish ...
=> Task(valut=Unit)
* `Either`, the former name of `Result`, is now deprecated
* `Eithervalue` and `Maybevalue` were both droped, use `value_or` or `value!` when you :100: sure it's safe
* `require 'dry/monads'` doesn't load all monads anymore, use `require 'dry/monads/all'` instead or cherry pick them with `require 'dry/monads/maybe'` etc (timriley)
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