BUGFIXES: * kegg: avoid a crash when running a mutant analysis * dphenome plot: avoid crashes due to changes in behavior of numpy/matplotlib
BUGFIXES: * Revert universal newlines for CSV parsing * Avoid potential issue with threaded kegg download in python3
BUGFIXES: * Ability to parse the new CSV format for phenotype microarrays * Long kegg URL bugfix
FEATURES: * Ability to parse the new CSV format for phenotype microarrays * Compatibility with python 2 and python 3
BUGFIXES: * kegg: fix coloring of compounds (broken since 0.17.18)
BUGFIXES: * kegg: try to salvage downloading pathways with many annotations
BUGFIXES: * kegg: add a more robust mechanism to ignore kegg generic pathways * kegg: reduce the number of threads for kegg mapping to reduce HTTP 403 errors * enforce the use of python2