Code Changes
- :test_tube: test: add more initial test cases. (_2023-08-22_)
- :art: style: change getter style of private attributes or methods. (_2023-08-22_)
- :construction: refactored: rename core function and remove queues. (_2023-08-22_)
- :construction: refactor: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.6 to 1.8.10 (11) (_2023-08-20_)
- :package: Create dependabot.yml (_2023-08-20_)
Fix Bugs
- :gear: fixed: git in bump cli does not add config file after create. (_2023-08-24_)
- :fire: hotfix: fix tomli dependency package. (_2023-08-22_)