- Add grind model from ECML paper - Add example and documentation for grind model - Add link to grind original github - Add paper list to website
- Add simple burgers equation (one variable) - Add kuramoto sivashinsky equation - Solver now returns path at which the simulation was stored - Add example for burgers equation - Add example for kuramoto sivashinsky equation
- Fix display of equation in custom equation iterator example - Absolute link to logo in readme to display properly on PyPI
- fix mistakes in documentation - fix warning in doc-build for Inline Emphasis... - Added custom equation iterator - Added custom equation example - Added custom equation iterator documentation - Fixed problem with dependency management - py-pde was not installed when installing dynabench from PyPi
- Implemented PyPDESolver for solving PDEs - Implemented Equation class for defining PDEs - Added aliases for equations - AdvectionEquation - WaveEquation - CahnHilliardEquation - DiffusionEquation - FitzhughNagumoEquation - Updated documentation - Created nicely formated readme
- Fixed example for NeuralPDE model - rollout was not used and wrong name of dataloader - Fixed order of axis in NeuralPDE rollout (torchidiffeq: TxBx ..., expected BxTx...) - Added autobuild and push for documentation