- [EZ-1625](https://easy.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/EZ-1625/easy-py-should-ignore-unknown-keys-in-responses): The `easy-py` now incorporates a refinement on the `handle_response` level. Specifically, unknown keys in responses are ignored to prevent the occurrence of `X.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'X'`. In this release, extra fields are filtered out before initialising the object, and missing fields are set to `None` to address the issue of `"X.__init__() missing x required positional arguments`.
- The data classes representing HTTP responses have undergone modification to eliminate default `None` values for parameters. As a result, this version of `easy-py` is no longer compatible with `easy-thonny ≤ 6.4.1`. Previous versions of Thonny created a `SubmissionResp()` object with no passed arguments.
- The functions `simple_get_request` and `get_request` have been merged. Additionally, HTTP response `204` is explicitly mapped to `EmptyResp`, and an unnecessary assert has been removed.