This is a stable release of Eddy 3.3.
This release bumps the minimum requirements to Python 3.7 or later and PyQt5 5.11 or later.
This release introduces a new plugin for interactively drawing existing OWL 2 ontologies into a graphol project.
The plugin is in the early development stage, please report any issues you encounter using the [issue tracker](
* Introduce the `ontology_importer` plugin for interactively drawing existing OWL 2 ontologies in graphol.
* Fix application appearance on macOS when selecting the dark theme.
* Fix canceling plugin install dialog on desktop environments where dialogs don't show the title bar (176).
* Fix rendering of items that have a non-default font set (185).
* Fix item count in project info not ignoring duplicates (133).
* Allow specifying ontology import with local files that have an extension different from `.owl` (173).
* Fix universal and cardinality restriction not being detected as a violation of the OWL 2 QL profile (91).
* Add a `Focus source/target` action for quickly focusing the source/target node from an edge context menu (221).
* Allow loading annotations into a project from an existing csv or Excel file (167).
* Bump to PyQt5 5.15.6