• Integrated edrn.summarizer with edrn.rdf to server more than just rdf but also json data.
• Obey PyPI's new restrictions on package hosting, PEP-470. • Upgrade for Travis-CI container & caching mechanisms.
This release makes the tests pass on Plone 4.2.2. It also makes it free, libre, open source software.
• Added upgrade steps to install dependent add-ons when upgrading operational DMCCBackend/CancerDataExpo site.
This release starts over with a fresh set of staff photographs and the SOAP-based web-service calling edrn.rdf package. It also automates the setup of most settings.
This release makes edrndmcc.appserver compatible with:
* Zope 2.13 * Plone 4.1 * plone.testing 4.0.2
It also prepares the app server for decommissioning on ginger.fhcrc.org and relocating at the EDRN Informatics Center.