> This release changes the way the `Edupage.get_timetable()` and `Edupage.get_foreign_timetable()` methods work
- ✨ New methods to get all **classrooms**, **classes** and **subjects** of the school
- ✨ `Lesson` objects returned by timetable methods now contain **more data**
- 🛠 Methods for getting timetable have been **heavily refactored**
- `Edupage.get_timetable()` –> `Edupage.get_my_timetable()` ❯ To get the timetable of the logged-in user
- `Edupage.get_foreign_timetable()` –> `Edupage.get_timetable()` ❯ To get the timetable of another user, class or classroom
- Input parameter of `Edupage.get_timetable()` needs **object** (`EduTeacher`, `EduStudent`, `Class`, `Classroom`) instead of ID
- `Edupage.get_timetable()` now returns timetable for requested **day only**, not for whole week
- `Edupage.get_timetable()` returns a `Timetable` object instead of a list of `LessonSkeleton`s
- ✨ Login methods also returns `CaptchaException` if a **captcha** is required to login
- 🐛 Fixed a bug that prevented **messages** from being sent
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/EdupageAPI/edupage-api/compare/0.10.8...0.11.0