
Latest version: v0.3.0

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- Add partial support for [tinygrad](https://github.com/tinygrad/tinygrad).
- Supported:
- `einx.rearrange`
- `einx.{elementwise|add|multiply|where|...}`
- `einx.{reduce|sum|mean|...}`
- `einx.{vmap_with_axis|flip|softmax|...}`
- `einx.dot`
- Not supported:
- `einx.vmap` (no `vmap` in tinygrad)
- `einx.{index|get_at|set_at|...}` (due to relying on `einx.vmap`)


- Use `tf.gather_nd` instead of `x[y]` to implement `einx.get_at` for Tensorflow.


- Allow empty tuples and lists as constraints for ellipsis parameters.
- Fix shorthand notation in `einx.dot`.



- Add [`einx.experimental.shard`](https://einx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#einx.experimental.shard).


- Fix bug when calling einx from multiple threads. (Run unit tests also in multi-threaded context.)



- **Remove einx dependency in compiled code:** The code for a traced function now directly imports and uses the namespace
of the backend (e.g. `import torch`). For example:
>>> print(einx.dot("b q (h c), b k (h c) -> b q k h", x, y, h=16, graph=True))
import torch
def op0(i0, i1):
x0 = torch.reshape(i0, (16, 768, 16, 64))
x1 = torch.reshape(i1, (16, 768, 16, 64))
x2 = torch.einsum("abcd,aecd->abec", x0, x1)
return x2

In most cases, compiled functions now contain no reference to other einx code.
- **Improve handling of Python scalars:** (see https://github.com/fferflo/einx/issues/7) einx now only converts `int`, `float` and `bool` to tensor
objects (e.g. via `torch.asarray`) if the backend function that is called does not support Python scalars (previously all inputs were converted
to tensor objects). When using PyTorch, the `device` argument will be used to place the constructed tensor on the correct
device.<br>For example, `torch.add` supports Python scalars
>>> print(einx.add("a,", x, 1, graph=True))
import torch
def op0(i0, i1):
x0 = torch.add(i0, i1)
return x0

while `torch.maximum` does not:
>>> print(einx.maximum("a,", x, 1, graph=True))
import torch
def op0(i0, i1):
x0 = torch.asarray(i1, device=i0.device)
x1 = torch.maximum(i0, x0)
return x1

- Run unit tests for PyTorch and Jax also on the GPU (if it is available).
- Run unit tests also with `jax.jit` and `torch.compile`.


- Add workarounds for issues with `torch.compile`: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/94674 and https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/124269



- Add partial support for Apple's [mlx](https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx).
- Supported:
- `einx.rearrange`
- `einx.{elementwise|add|multiply|where|...}`
- `einx.{reduce|sum|mean|...}`
- `einx.{vmap_with_axis|flip|softmax|...}`
- Not supported yet:
- `einx.dot` (`mx.einsum` is not implemented yet)
- `einx.vmap` (`mx.vmap` does not fully support all primitives yet)
- `einx.{index|get_at|set_at|...}` (due to relying on `einx.vmap`)
- Add partial support for [dask.array](https://docs.dask.org/en/stable/array.html).
- Supported:
- `einx.rearrange`
- `einx.{elementwise|add|multiply|where|...}`
- `einx.{reduce|sum|mean|...}`
- `einx.{vmap_with_axis|flip|softmax|...}`
- `einx.dot`
- Not supported:
- `einx.vmap` (`vmap` not implemented in dask)
- `einx.{index|get_at|set_at|...}` (due to relying on `einx.vmap`)
- Add environment variable `EINX_WARN_ON_RETRACE` to warn when excessive retracing is detected.


- Allow `->` and `,` to be composed with other operators. (This deprecates the existing `[|]` notation which should instead be implemented with
composable `->`. The feature is still maintained for backwards compatibility). For example:
- `einx.dot("b [c1->c2]", ...)` expands to `einx.dot("b [c1] -> b [c2]", ...)`
- `einx.get_at("b p [i,->]", ...)` expands to `einx.get_at("b p [i], b p -> b p", ...)`
- Allow `einx.{set_at|add_at|...}` to be called with zero-sized updates or coordinates (in which case the input tensor is returned as-is).
- Remove `backend.dot` which was not used anywhere but in the unit tests.
- Improve error reporting:
- Drop internal stack frames when raising exceptions.
- Better error when passing invalid shape constraints to einx functions.
- Reduce overhead of einx when using the PyTorch backend.


- Fix compatibility of `einx.nn.torch.Norm` with PyTorch 2.2.
- Fix parameters in `einn.param` being ignored.
- Fix bug when using concatenations in `einx.rearrange`. See: https://github.com/fferflo/einx/issues/6
- Fix broadcasting new axes in `einx.vmap_with_axis`.
- Disable `torch.compile` during graph construction using [torch.compiler.disable](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.compiler.disable.html).



- Add option to install einx via `pip install einx[torch]` or `pip install einx[keras]` to enforce version requirements on PyTorch or Keras.


- Fail gracefully and report error when run with incompatible version of PyTorch and Keras.


- Fix compatibility with 2.0 <= PyTorch < 2.1.



- Add type annotations to public API.
- Allow passing multiple coordinate tensors in `einx.{get_at|set_at|...}`.
- Allow implicit output shape in `einx.{set_at|add_at|...}`.
- Allow passing backend with string argument to `einx.nn.norm`.
- Make backends accessible as `einx.backend.{NAME}` once they are loaded.


- Refactor tracing:
- Trace vmapped functions (previously kept a pointer to an untraced function).
- Add shape assertion when calling unsafe functions.
- Add comments for better inspection.
- Remove `pass_backend` argument from `einx.vmap`.
- Cache different functions for different backends.
- Don't call `backend.to_tensor` if input already has correct type.

For example, tracing `einx.get_at` now gives the following jit-compiled code:
>>> print(einx.get_at("b [h w] c, b p [2] -> b p c", x, y, graph=True))
backend: einx.backend.numpy
def op1(i0, i1):
x1 = i1[:, 0]
x2 = i1[:, 1]
x0 = backend.get_at(i0, (x1, x2))
return (x0,)
def op0(i0, i1, op1=op1):
op2 = backend.vmap(op1, in_axes=(0, 0), out_axes=(0,))
op3 = backend.vmap(op2, in_axes=(3, None), out_axes=(2,))
x0 = op3(i0, i1)
return x0[0]


- Fix bug when using "1" as coordinate axis in einx.index.
- Add workaround for scalar indexing operations with torch.vmap (see https://github.com/pytorch/functorch/issues/747).
- Fix support for list/ tuple arguments as tensors with non-trivial shape.
- Change einx.reduce to accept only single tensors as arguments (API allowed multiple arguments, but was not implemented).
- Don't trace and jit functions if EINX_CACHE_SIZE=0.
- Fix bug where some static code analysis tools fail to recognize function specializations.



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