- Badges at the top of file
- Documents Weasyprint usage in
- Documents PyPI package name inconsistency
- Mangling files for compilers with exotic name mangling that do not provide binutils
- Similar symbols detection and output can now explicitly disabled for performance reasons
- CI tests on Windows
- CI code coverage testing (line & branch coverage)
- CI codacy code quality testing
- Github CI now deploys examples to gh_pages
- file
- file
- Github issue templates
- A second simple example for testing and documentation (also deployed on gh_pages)
- Balloons with additional information are displayed when hovering over HTML table headers
- Statistics now comprise the total number and the number of selected and excluded symbols
of each binary in addition to the selection and exclusion regex
- Added means to gess whether symbol demangling is available
- Plugin system added
- Report generation now taken over by plugins
- Added YAML, JSON and TXT reports
- Between the extraction of symbols from the binaries and the report generation a
new central data structure, the _document tree_ is established
- Jinja2 templates of the html export plugin now operate directly on the document tree
- Custom plugins can be loaded from the command line
- Command line flag added to write the document tree to stdout
- HTML reports now additionally output tree formatted information to aid changing the Jinja templates or writing custom versions
- Initial example in improved
- restructured
- Added and improved tests
- Tests write their output to a directory structure that matches the fixture and test names
of the Python test definition
- Python requirements mostly tied to exact versions
- Mass reports deprecated
- Mass reports Jinja template simplified
- Symbol type 'new' renamed to 'appeared in order not to conflict with the distinction old/new
- 'Symbol similarity' renamed 'signature similarity'
- Unused package requirement pdfkit