* Updated `connection.Connection.before_post_file()` such that it will calculate file_size now (in addition to md5sum), and that whenever the md5sum needs to be set, the file_size will also be set.
* Added [connection.Connection.get_biosample_type()](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/connection.html#encode_utils.connection.Connection.get_biosample_type) to aid in searching for a *BiosampleType* with a given classification and term_id or term_name.
* Added function [utils.orient_jpg()](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utils.html#encode_utils.utils.orient_jpg) which fixes misoriented images, rotating them as necessary. [connection.Connection.set_attachment()](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/connection.html#encode_utils.connection.Connection.set_attachment) now calls this if the input file is a JPEG or TIFF.
* Added `aws_storage.py` that includes two classes: [S3Upload](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/aws_storage.html#encode_utils.aws_storage.S3Upload) that simplifies the process of uploading files to a bucket in a specific location with the specified acl, and [S3Object](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/aws_storage.html#encode_utils.aws_storage.S3Object) which represents an object in a S3 bucket and is internally used for calculating the md5sum and file size when submitting S3 objects to the ENCODE Portal.
* Added [utils.url_join()](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utils.html#encode_utils.utils.url_join) which is now used for property joining URL paths, rather than incorrectly with os.path.join since that doesn't construct the right paths on Windows systems.
* Added new function in `profiles.py` called [remove_duplicate_associations()](https://encode-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/profiles.html#encode_utils.profiles.Profile). This is called when patching a record so that EU can detect and remove duplicates in array values (when extending arrays).
Bug fixes
* Added patch to `profiles.Profile._set_profile_id()` to include exceptional cases, such as antibody_lot records using id values like '/antibodies/ENCAB719MQZ' instead of the expected '/antibody_lots/ENCAB719MQZ'.