Released: 2023-03-24
This is a major release aimed at modernization and cleanup of some out-of-date
code. In particular, this release removes the IPython-related plugins, and
drops support for Python 3.6.
Thanks to:
* Mark Dickinson
* Chengyu Liu
* Corran Webster
* There's a new ``unbind_extension_point`` function that reverses the effects
of ``bind_extension_point``. This can be useful for clean teardown. (546)
* All id string constants that were previously available from ``envisage.ids``
are now also exported in ``envisage.api``. Users are encouraged to import
everything they need from ``envisage.api``, and to open an issue if anything
they need is not exported in ``envisage.api``. (508)
* When exiting a ``TasksApplication``, the plugins are now stopped after
exiting the event loop. Previously they were stopped while the event loop was
still running, causing some lifecycle issues. (524)
* The ``extension_registry`` argument to ``bind_extension_point`` is no
longer optional, and ``ExtensionPointBinding`` will no longer look for
an extension registry on the ``ExtensionPoint`` class. (545)
* Operations that used to raise ``SystemError`` now raise something more
appropriate. In particular, the ``PluginManager.start_plugin`` and
``PluginManager.stop_plugin`` methods now raise ``ValueError`` rather
than ``SystemError`` when given an invalid plugin id. (529)
* ``envisage.__version__`` is no longer defined. If you need the Envisage
version at runtime, use ``importlib.metadata`` to retrieve it. (513)
* Python 3.6 is no longer supported. All current versions of Python (3.7
through 3.11) are supported. (513)
* The ``repr`` of a ``Plugin`` instance now correctly uses the name of the
plugin class. (535)
* The ``EggPluginManager``, ``EggBasketPluginManager`` and
``PackagePluginManager`` are deprecated, and will be removed in Envisage 8.0.
* The ``include`` and ``exclude`` traits on the ``PluginManager`` are
deprecated, and will be removed in Envisage 8.0. (544)
* Plugins and machinery related to IPython have been removed. Specifically,
the ``IPythonKernelPlugin`` and ``IPythonKernelUIPlugin`` plugins have been
removed, along with supporting classes ``InternalIPKernel`` and
``IPKernelApp``. (496)
* The ``ExtensionPoint.bind`` method has been removed. (545)
* The previously deprecated ``safeweakref.ref`` class has been removed. (522)
* Some legacy unmaintained examples have been removed. (557)
* The changelog is now included in the built documentation. (550)
* Old-style namespace packages used for testing have been replaced with
normal non-namespace packages. This fixes some warnings from the latest
``setuptools``. (543)
* The test suite now runs cleanly under ``pytest``. (539)
* Tests that are skipped due to a PySide6 problem should now be run
if the version of PySide6 is recent enough. (554)
* Package configuration now uses ``pyproject.toml`` in place of the old
``setup.py``-based configuration. (513)
* Optional dependencies are no longer declared. (513)
* A new style-checking workflow has been added that runs ``black``, ``isort``
and ``flake8`` over the codebase, and new code is expected to comply with
``black`` and ``isort`` configurations. (549)
* A new documentation-build workflow has been added. The built documentation
is uploaded as an artifact. (551)