This is release 1.5.0 back on eralchemy.
Instead of `pip install eralchemy2` one should use `pip install eralchemy[graphviz]`.
Other than that, no breaking changes are to be expected.
- Unite codebase of eralchemy2 and eralchemy back to eralchemy
- Includes features from eralchemy2
- Allow having either graphviz or pygraphviz installed by maurerle in https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/pull/126
- Draw column relations by JosePVB in https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/pull/72
- CI now uses nox
- proper regex to include/exclude tables/columns
- allow setting title of diagram
- mermaid rendering support
- Improve tests by using fixtures by maurerle in https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/pull/120
- build: create a release workflow by 12rambau in https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/pull/128
- Remove references to newsmeme by kasium in https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/pull/129
- give more readable error output when non sqlalchemy input is given by maurerle in https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/pull/118
eralchemy2 1.4.1 (2024-05-20)
- Add graph titles by haffi96 in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/20
- Add regex option for the include_tables and exclude_tables params by dukkee in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/31
- Update contribution instructions in README
- Sanitize mermaid strings in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/42
- Use F-Strings and trailing commas in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/40
eralchemy2 1.4.0 (2024-05-11)
- Add pre commit hook with trailing space removal, ruff and isort by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/24
- make it possible to change the output mode through cli by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/32
- apply fix to reference full table name correctly in output by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/33
- set right_cardinality for relationships with compound primary_keys by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/34
- add proper spacing before key type when rendering svg with inkscape by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/35
- Add mermaid ER diagram by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/36
- Add possibility to retrieve information from multiple schemas at once by maurerle in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/37
Deprecations and Removals
- drop support for python 3.7 in https://github.com/maurerle/eralchemy2/pull/26
eralchemy2 1.3.8 (2023-10-30)
- fix reading columns with whitespace correctly
- add python 3.12 to test matrix
Deprecations and Removals
- drop support for SQLAlchemy < 1.4
eralchemy2 1.3.7 (2023-02-27)
- add python 3.11 to github actions
- add python 3.11 and sqlalchemy 2.x to test matrix
- fix one-to-one relationships with primary key
- relax version requirements
eralchemy2 1.3.6 (2022-10-19)
- return feedback for wrong connection string
- better error handling for wrong db uri
eralchemy2 1.3.5 (2022-10-10)
- add typing
- allow installation on python < 3.8
eralchemy2 1.3.4 (2022-09-20)
- switch to pyproject.toml and poetry
- add release notes
eralchemy2 1.3.3 (2022-09-11)
- use black and isort with github actions (10)
- add backward compatibility for SQLAlchemy < 1.4
- add some typings
- drop support for python 2.x
eralchemy2 1.3.2 (2022-06-26)
- compatibility for SQLAlchemy >= 1.4
- support mermaid export
- rename package to eralchemy2
Release instructions
This page contains the steps to make a release and some helpful resources to get you started.
Create an issue and copy/paste the steps below to release a new version. Close the issue when it is done.
These steps should be taken in order to create a new release![^release-refs]
**Double check for quality-control**
- [ ] There are no [open issues with a `impact: block-release` label](https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/labels/block-release)
**Prepare the codebase for a new version**
- [ ] Bump `__version__` in [`pyproject.toml`](https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/blob/main/pyproject.toml#L8)
- [ ] Make a release commit: `git commit -m 'bump: 0.1.9 → 0.2.0'`
- [ ] Push the RLS commit `git push upstream main`
- [ ] If a **release candidate** is needed, tick this box when we're now ready for a full release.
**Make the release**
- [ ] [Start a new GitHub release](https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/releases/new)
- Call the release the current version, e.g. `v0.2.0`
- In the **`Choose a Tag:`** dropdown, type in the release name (e.g., `v0.2.0`) and click "Create new tag"
- In the **`Target:`** dropdown, pin it to the release commit that you've just pushed.
- Generate the automatic release notes, eventually manually specify the previous version (useful when several release candidate have been made)
- [ ] Confirm that the release completed
- [The `publish` github action job](https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/blob/main/.github/workflows/publish.yaml) has completed successfully in the [actions tab](https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/actions).
- [The PyPI version is updated](https://pypi.org/project/eralchemy/)
- [ ] Hide the previous patch version build in the RDT interface if needed.
- [ ] Celebrate, you're done!
[^release-refs]: Taken from [the release checklist](https://github.com/eralchemy/eralchemy/blob/main/RELEASE.md). See [the release documentation](https://pydata-sphinx-theme.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contribute/policies.html#release-policy) for an overview of release processes.