This package was renamed to `espresso-caller` which contains the `espresso` command line tool, documentation and workflow files (in WDL format).
All workflows import local WDL files, instead of telling Cromwell to download them from the Internet, that are zipped and submitted to Cromwell as dependency. The zip file is written in destination directory.
Check run dates if they are formatted in ISO8601 format.
Set required number of CPUs for tasks:
| Task |CPUs |
| ------------------------------- | ----- |
| PairedFastQsToUnmappedBAM | 8 |
| MergeBamAlignment | 4 |
| SortAndFixTags | 4 |
| MarkDuplicates | 16 |
| BaseRecalibrator | 4 |
| ApplyBQSR | 4 |
| GatherBamFiles | 4 |
| CramToBamTask | 4 |
| HaplotypeCaller | 4 |
| MergeGVCFs | 4 |