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Nov 12, 2024

- [Feat][pull3634]: New contrib for in-game `storage` of items in rooms (aMiss-aWry)
- [Feat][pull3636]: Make `cpattr` command also support Attribute categories (aMiss-aWry)
- [Feat][pull3653]: Updated Chinese translation (Pridell).
- [Fix][pull3635]: Fix memory leak in Portal Telnet connections, force weak
references to Telnet negotiations, stop LoopingCall on disconnect (a-rodian-jedi)
- [Fix][pull3626]: Typo in `defense_type` in evadventure tutorial (feyrkh)
- [Fix][pull3632]: Made fallback permissions on be set correctly (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3639]: Fix `system` command when environment uses a language with
commas for decimal points (aMiss-aWry)
- [Fix][pull3645]: Correct `character_creator` contrib's error return (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3640]: Typo fixes for conjugate verbs (aMiss-aWry)
- [Fix][pull3647]: Contents cache didn't reset internal typecache on use of `init` hook (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][issue3627]: Traceback from contrib `in-game reports` `help manage` command (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3643]: Fix for Commands metaclass interpreting e.g. `usercmd:false()` locks as
a `cmd:` type lock for the purposes of default access fallbacks (Griatch).
- [Fix][pull3651]: EvEditor `:j` defaulted to 'full' justify instead of 'left' as
was documented (willmofield)
- [Fix][pull3657]: Fix error in `do_search` that caused `FileHelpEntries` to
traceback (a-rodian-jedi)
- [Fix][pull3660]: Numbered aliases didn't refresh after a object rename unless
the endpoint hook was re-called; now triggers the call autiomatically (count-infinity)
- [Fix][pull3664]: The `Account.last_login` field was updated also when user
disconnected, which is not useful (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3665]: Remove faulty verb conjugation exceptions for 'offer',
'hinder' and 'alter' in automatic verb-conjugation engine (aMiss-aWry)
- [Fix][pull3669]: The `page` command tracebacked for some input combinations (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3642]: Give friendlier error if EvMore object is not available
neither on Object, nor on account fallback. (InspectorCaracal)
- [Docs][pull3655]: Fixed many erroneously created links on `file.py` names in
the docs (marado)
- [Docs][pull3576]: Rework doc for [Pycharm howto][doc-pycharm]
- Docs updates: feykrh, Griatch, marado, jaborsh

[pull3626]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3626
[pull3676]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3676
[pull3634]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3634
[pull3632]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3632
[pull3636]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3636
[pull3639]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3639
[pull3645]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3645
[pull3640]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3640
[pull3647]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3647
[pull3635]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3635
[pull3651]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3651
[pull3655]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3655
[pull3657]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3657
[pull3653]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3653
[pull3660]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3660
[pull3664]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3664
[pull3665]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3665
[pull3669]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3669
[pull3642]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3642
[pull3576]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3576
[issue3627]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3627
[issue3643]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3643
[doc-pycharm]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Coding/Setting-up-PyCharm.html


Oct 1, 2024

- [Fix][issue3629]: Reverting change of default Sqlite3 PRAGMA settings, changing them for
existing database caused corruption of db. For empty db, can still change in
`SQLITE3_PRAGMAS` settings. (Griatch)

[issue3629]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3629


Sep 29, 2024

> WARNING: Due to a bug in the default Sqlite3 PRAGMA settings, it is
> recommended to not upgrade to this version if you are using Sqlite3.
> Use `4.4.1` or higher instead.

- Feat: Support `scripts key:typeclass` to create global scripts
with dynamic keys (rather than just relying on typeclass' key) (Griatch)
- [Feat][pull3595]: Tweak Sqlite3 PRAGMAs for better performance (0xDEADFED5)
- Feat: Make Sqlite3 PRAGMAs configurable via settings (Griatch)
- [Feat][pull3592]: Revised German locationlization ('Du' instead of 'Sie',
cleanup) (Drakon72)
- [Feat][pull3541]: Rework main Object searching to respect partial matches, empty
search now partial matching all candidates, overall cleanup (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feat][pull3588]: New `DefaultObject` hooks: `at_object_post_creation`, called once after
first creation but after any prototypes have been applied, and
`at_object_post_spawn(prototype)`, called only after creation/update with a prototype (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3594]: Update/clean some Evennia dependencies (0xDEADFED5)
- [Fix][issue3556]: Better error if trying to treat ObjectDB as a typeclass (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3590]: Make `examine` command properly show `strattr` type
Attribute values (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3519]: `GLOBAL_SCRIPTS` container didn't list global scripts not
defined explicitly to be restarted/recrated in `settings.py` (Griatch)
- Fix: Passing an already instantiated Script to `obj.scripts.add` (`ScriptHandler.add`)
did not add it to the handler's object (Griatch)
- [Fix][pull3533]: Fix Lunr search issues preventing finding help entries with similar
names (chiizyjin)
- [Fix][pull3603]: Fix of client header for LLM contrib for remote APIs (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3605]: Correctly pass node kwargs through `list_node` decorated evmenu nodes
- [Fix][pull3597]: Address timing issue for testing `new_task_waiting_input `on
Windows (0xDEADFED5)
- [Fix][pull3611]: Fix and update for Reports contrib (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3625]: Lycanthropy tutorial page had some issues (feyrkh)
- [Fix][pull3622]: Fix for examine command tracebacking with strvalue error
- [Fix][issue3612]: Make sure help entries' `subtopic_separator_char` is
respected (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3624]: Setting tags with integer names caused errors on postgres (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3615]: Using `print()` in `py` caused an infinite loop (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3620]: Better handle TaskHandler running against an attribute that
was removed since last reload (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3616]: The `color ansi` command output was broken (Griatch)
- Fix: Extended the `color truecolor` display with usage examples. Also updated docs (Griatch)
- [Docs][issue3591]: Fix of NPC reaction tutorial code (Griatch)
- Docs: Tutorial fixes (Griatch, aMiss-aWry, feyrkh)

[issue3591]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3591
[issue3590]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3590
[issue3556]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3556
[issue3519]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3519
[issue3612]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3612
[issue3624]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3624
[issue3615]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3615
[issue3620]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3620
[issue3616]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3616
[pull3595]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3595
[pull3595]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3595
[pull3533]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3533
[pull3594]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3594
[pull3592]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3592
[pull3603]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3603
[pull3605]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3605
[pull3597]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3597
[pull3611]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3611
[pull3541]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3541
[pull3588]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3588
[pull3625]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3625
[pull3622]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3622


Aug 11, 2024

- [Feat][pull3531]: New contrib; `in-game reports` for handling user reports,
bugs etc in-game (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feat][pull3586]: Add ANSI color support `|U`, `|I`, `|i`, `|s`, `|S` for
underline reset, italic/reset and strikethrough/reset (0xDEADFED5)
- Feat: Add `Trait.traithandler` back-reference so custom Traits from the Traits
contrib can find and reference other Traits. (Griatch)
- [Feat][pull3582]: Add true-color parsing/fallback for ANSIString (0xDEADFED5)
- [Fix][pull3571]: Better visual display of partial multimatch search results
- [Fix][issue3378]: Prototype 'alias' key was not properly homogenized to a list
- [Fix][pull3550]: Issue where rpsystem contrib search would do a global instead
of local search on multimatch (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3585]: `TagCmd.switch_options` was misnamed (erratic-pattern)
- [Fix][pull3580]: Fix typo that made `find/loc` show the wrong dbref in result (erratic-pattern)
- [Fix][pull3571]: Issue disambiguating between certain partial multimatches
- [Fix][pull3589]: Fix regex escaping in `utils.py` for future Python versions (hhsiao)
- [Docs]: Add True-color description for Colors documentation (0xDEADFED5)
- [Docs]: Doc fixes (Griatch, InspectorCaracal, 0xDEADFED5)

[pull3585]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3585
[pull3580]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3580
[pull3571]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3571
[pull3586]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3586
[pull3550]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3550
[pull3531]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3531
[pull3571]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3571
[pull3582]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3582
[pull3589]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3589
[issue3378]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3578


June 27, 2024

- [Feature][pull3470]: New `exit_order` kwarg to
`DefaultObject.get_display_exits` to easier customize the order in which
standard exits are displayed in a room (chiizujin)
- [Feature][pull3498]: Properly update Evennia's screen width when client
changes width (assuming client supports NAWS properly) (michaelfaith84)
- [Feature][pull3502]: New `sethelp/locks` allows for editing help entry
locks after they were first created (chiizujin)
- [Feature][pull3514]: Support `$pron(pronoun, key)` and new `$pconj(verb, key)`
(pronoun conjugation) for actor stance (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3521]: Allow `WORD` (fully capitalized) in GMCP command names
instead of only `Word` (titled) to support specific clients better (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3447]: New Contrib: Achievements (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][pull3494]: Xterm truecolor hex support `|0f0` style. Expanded
`color true` to test (michaelFaith84)
- [Feature][pull3497]: Add optional width to EvEditor flood-fill commands using
new `=` argument, for example `:f=40` or `:j 1:2 l = 60` (chiizujin)
- [Feature][pull3549]: Run the `collectstatic` command when reloading server to
keep game assets in sync automatically (InspectorCaracal)
- [Feature][issue3522]: (also a fix) Make `.created_date` property on all models property return
a time adjusted based on `settings.TIME_ZONE` (Griatch)
- [Language][pull3523]: Updated Polish translation (Moonchasered)
- [Fix][pull3495]: Fix rate in Trait contribs not updating after reload (jaborsh)
- [Fix][pull3491]: Fix traceback in EvEditor when searching with malformed regex (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3489]: Superuser could break wilderness contrib exits (t34lbytes)
- [Fix][pull3496]: EvEditor would not correctly show search&replace feedback
when replacing colors (Chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3499]: Dig/tunnel commands didn't echo the typeclass of the newly
created room properly (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3501]: Using `sethelp` to create a help entry colliding with a
command-name made the entry impossible to edit/delete later (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3506]: Fix Traceback when setting prototype parent in the in-game OLC wizard (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3507]: Prototype wizard would not save changes if aborting the
updating of existing spawned instances (chiizujun)
- [Fix][pull3516]: Quitting the chargen contrib menu will now trigger auto-look (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3517]: Supply `Object.search` with an empty `candidates` list caused
defaults to be used instead of finding nothing (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3518]: `GlobalScriptsContainer.all()` raised a traceback (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3520]: Exits not included in exit sort order were not listed correctly (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3529]: Fix page/list command not showing received pages correctly (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3530]: EvEditor cmdset priority increased so it doesn't respond to
movement commands while in editor (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3537]: Bug setting `_fields` in Components contrib (ChrisLR)
- [Fix][pull3542]: Update `character_creator` contrib to use the Account's look
template properly (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3545]: Fix fallback issue in cmdhandler for local-object cmdsets (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3554]: Fix/readd custom `ic` command to the `character_creator` contrib (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3566]: Make sure the `website/base.html` website base is targeted
explicitly so it doesn't get overridden by same file name elsewhere in app (InspectorCaracal)
- [fix][issue3387]: Update all game template doc strings to be more up-to-date
- [Docs]: Doc fixes (Griatch, chiizujin, InspectorCaracal, iLPDev)

[pull3470]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3470
[pull3495]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3495
[pull3491]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3491
[pull3489]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3489
[pull3496]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3496
[pull3498]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3498
[pull3499]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3499
[pull3501]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3501
[pull3502]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3502
[pull3503]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3503
[pull3506]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3506
[pull3507]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3507
[pull3514]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3514
[pull3516]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3516
[pull3517]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3517
[pull3518]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3518
[pull3520]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3520
[pull3521]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3521
[pull3447]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3447
[pull3494]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3494
[pull3497]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3497
[pull3529]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3529
[pull3530]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3530
[pull3537]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3537
[pull3542]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3542
[pull3545]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3545
[pull3549]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3549
[pull3554]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3554
[pull3523]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3523
[pull3566]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3566
[issue3522]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issue/3522
[issue3387]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issue/3387


April 6, 2024

- [Fix][pull3438]: Error with 'you' mapping in third-person style of
`msg_contents` (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][pull3472]: The new `filter_visible` didn't exclude oneself by default
- Fix: `find dbref` results didn't include the results of
`.get_extra_display_name_info` (the dbref display by default) (Griatch)
- Fix: Add `DefaultAccount.get_extra_display_name_info` method for API
compliance with `DefaultObject` in commands. (Griatch)
- Fix: Show `XYZRoom` subclass when repr() it. (Griatch)
- [Fix][pull3485]: Typo in `sethome` message (chiizujin)
- [Fix][pull3487]: Fix traceback when using `get`,`drop` and `give` with no
arguments (InspectorCaracal)
- [Fix][issue3476]: Don't ignore EvEditor commands with wrong capitalization (Griatch)
- [Fix][issue3477]: The `at_server_reload_start()` hook was not firing on
a reload (regression).
- [Fix][issue3488]: `AttributeProperty(<default>, autocreate=False)`, where
`<default>` was mutable would not update/save properly in-place (Griatch)
- [Docs] Added new [Server-Lifecycle][doc-server-lifecycle] page to describe
the hooks called on server start/stop/reload (Griatch)
- [Docs] Doc typo fixes (Griatch, chiizujin)

[pull3438]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3446
[pull3485]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3485
[pull3487]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pull/3487
[issue3476]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3476
[issue3477]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3477
[issue3488]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/3488
[doc-server-lifecycle]: https://www.evennia.com/docs/latest/Concepts/Server-Lifecycle.html

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