
Latest version: v0.15.0

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Add the changes for releasing on top of the current branch:

nox -s prepare-release -- 1.10.1 --no-pr --no-branch

For additional options and help regarding the task `prepare-release`, execute:

nox -s prepare-release -- -h

* **Added Plugin Support for Nox Task `prepare-release`**

- For further details on the plugin specification, refer to `exasol.toolbox.nox.plugin`.
- For an example of usage, refer to the `noxconfig` of the Python toolbox.

πŸ“š Documentation
* Fixed typos and updated documentation

πŸ”© Internal
* Restructured `exasol.toolbox.nox` module


✨ Added

* Added cookiecutter-template for creating new project
* [246](https://github.com/exasol/python-toolbox/issues/246): Added standard branch protection workflow

🐞 Bug Fixes

* [181](https://github.com/exasol/python-toolbox/issues/181): Updated metrics related workflows
* [225](https://github.com/exasol/python-toolbox/issues/225): Fixed broken reference to version file in workflow
* Fixed coverage for empty project

βš’οΈ Refactorings

* [219](https://github.com/exasol/python-toolbox/issues/219): Updated project template configuration
* Updated actions/checkout to v4

πŸ“š Documentation
* Add Python Styleguide
* Add Issue Guide
* Updated User Documentation

πŸ”© Internal

* Update depdency constraints
* Relock dependencies



* 204: Added a guideline for removing `ci-job` from workflow `pr-merge.yml`


* Relock dependencies


🐞 Fixed

* Changed the default linter configuration in the Nox **lint** task to automatically generate a report. Previously, setting it in **pyproject.toml** was required.

✨ Feature

* 162: Updated templates for GitHub workflows to inherit secrets by default
* 52: Add support for caching python dependencies in GitHub workflows

πŸ“š Documentation
* Updated information about nox tasks and `PYTHONPATH` setup

πŸ”© Internal
* Relocked and updated dependencies


🐞 Fixed
* Added missing artifact uploads to checks.yml

✨ Added
* **Added Support for Argument Forwarding to Test-Related Nox Tasks**

With this new feature, it is now possible to forward additional arguments to the application (pytest) that executes the tests.

For example this feature now allows for easy execution of a subset of tests using pytest’s `-k` expression selection or `-m` marker selection (see usage examples below).

The forwarding will work for the following Nox tasks:
- unit-tests
- integration-tests
- coverage


To prepare a release, simply execute a command in your terminal as shown in the examples below:

Filter tests based on pytest markers:
nox -s unit-tests -- -m fast

Filter tests based on pytest expressions:
nox -s unit-tests -- -k smoke_test


🚨 Breaking Changes
Static callbacks/hooks in the Config object have been removed and replaced with Plugin hooks.

For additional information, refer to [customization](../user_guide/customization.rst) in the user guide.
🐞 Fixed
* Updated templates for GH workflows to add content of changes file for release letter

✨ Added
* Implemented plugin support for `pre-` and `post-` integration-tests hooks.

πŸ“š Documentation
* Added documentation on nox task plugins for users and developers.
* Added documentation on python-environment action.
* Updated theme and structure of the documentation.

πŸ”© Internal
* Relocked and updated dependencies

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