* `243 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/execnet/pull/243>`__: Added ``main_thread_only``
execmodel which is derived from the thread execmodel and only executes ``remote_exec``
calls in the main thread.
Callers of ``remote_exec`` must use the returned channel to wait for a task to complete
before they call remote_exec again, otherwise the ``remote_exec`` call will fail with a
``concurrent remote_exec would cause deadlock`` error. The main_thread_only execmodel
provides solutions for `96 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/execnet/issues/96>`__ and
`pytest-dev/pytest-xdist620 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/620>`__
(pending a new `pytest-xdist` release).
Also fixed ``init_popen_io`` to use ``closefd=False`` for shared stdin and stdout file
descriptors, preventing ``Bad file descriptor`` errors triggered by test_stdouterrin_setnull.
* The library is now typed and the typing is exposed to type-checkers.
* Re-exported ``Gateway``, ``Channel``, ``DumpError`` and ``LoadError`` from
``execnet``. The constructors are private.
* Fixed ``GatewayBase.join()`` timeout argument getting ignored.
* Removed support for Python 3.7.
* Added official support for Python 3.12.