
Latest version: v3.4.0

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This is the final maintenance release for 3.x. It includes a number of bugfixes in the Python API and Fortran core, as well as a revamp of the pyfft compilation process. The code has also been modernized to be compatible with current systems.


Coupling of ExoPlaSim to Maureen Cohen's aerosol module, which adds hazes and other aerosol phenomena to ExoPlaSim. This release is known to have some (unrelated) bugs; v3.4.0 should be smoother.


This version of ExoPlaSim has an overhauled orbital geometry routine, accessible with `keplerian=True` when configuring models, which permits obliquities from -180 to 180 degrees and eccentricities in the range [0,1).


ExoPlaSim has now been tested on Mac OS X Catalina and Big Sur, as well as Google Colaboratory (note limited OpenMPI support on the latter), and remaining compilation problems have been fixed. Also fixed an occasional bug that could lead to errors in some time-averaged fields during the first month of time-averaged output following a restart.


This release replaces the postprocessor with one written entirely in Python and Fortran, which adds functionality and support for additional output formats, and eliminates complicated library dependencies. ExoPlaSim is also now confirmed to run on Mac OS X Catalina, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Ubuntu and CentOS, and with GNU C/Fortran compilers ranging from gcc4 to gcc10. X11 dependency has also been removed.


A suite of bugfixes and improvements, plus the addition of utilities to rotate output into tidally-locked coordinates, where the substellar point is 90 degrees 'North', the antistellar point is 90 degrees 'South', and the terminator is 0 degrees latitude. Also includes a routine to compute the streamfunction in the rotated coordinate system.

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