This release updates and fixes functionality associated with common exosystem inclinations, improves computational efficiency in the `Nemati` `OpticalSystem` implementation, and fixes a bug associated with the new (in v3.1.0) stellar flux calculations.
New Functionality
Previously, EXOSIMS could generate planets about the same target star with the same inclination via the `commonSystemInclination` and keyword, and setting `commonSystemInclinationParams`, which described the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution of offsets from the common system inclination. However, the longitude of the ascending node of these planets would still be sampled independently, meaning that the planets, while having the same inclination, would still lie in different orbital planes. With this release, the `commonSystemInclination` inputs are deprecated and replaced with `commonSystemPlane` and `commonSystemPlaneParams`, which toggle on the common system plane and set the parameters of offset distributions for both inclination and longitude of the ascending node. Internally, when this functionality is toggled, the `TargetList` now generates both a system mean inclination and longitude of the ascending node, thereby defining a true common system orbital plane.
Performance Improvements
The `converged` Boolean in the `OpticalSystem.Nemati.calc_dMag_per_intTime` function has been moved out of the lower bound loop to avoid always running the minimization twice.
Bug Fixes
Two issues previously existed associated with the case when a star is evaluated to have zero flux in the observing band. First, this leads to a `synphot error`, which is now suppressed. Second, this leads to a `calc_dMag_per_intTime` inversion error - this is now handled by filtering out all stars with zero flux in the observing band prior to any downstream calculations (in `TargetList.calc_saturation_and_intCutoff_vals`).