
Latest version: v1.13.0

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- JUNGFRAU 4M (8 modules) geometry can now be updated based on the positions of
the 2 motors moving the hemispheres (:ghpull:`303`), using
- EXtra-geom now requires Python 3.9 or above (:ghpull:`309`).




- :ref:`det-AGIPD-1M` detector geometry can now be updated using the positions
from the 8 quadrant motors (:ghpull:`269`). A reference geometry is required
as a starting point, and a new geometry can be created based on the changes in
the motor positions. See :doc:`motor_based_geometry` for an example of how to
use this.




- Add an ``example()`` class method for each detector type to create a sample
geometry, and helper class methods ``monolithic_geometry()`` and ``pair_geometry()``
for Epix detectors (:ghpull:`243`). The ``example()`` methods make it easier to look at the data when you
have no specific information about its geometry, but it may be quite different
from the real positions of modules in a given experiment. For some detector
types, you need to pass the number of modules in your detector.
- Modules in :class:`.AGIPD_500K2GGeometry` are now labelled M0 - M7 by
:meth:`~.AGIPD_500K2GGeometry.inspect` (:ghpull:`226`).




- Support for LPD Mini detectors (:ghpull:`187`).
- Add :meth:`~.JUNGFRAUGeometry.to_pyfai_detector` for JUNGFRAU detectors
- Fix :meth:`.AGIPD_500K2GGeometry.from_origin` with non-default units
- Fix :meth:`~.JUNGFRAUGeometry.plot_data` with labelled data arrays
- Fix DSSC's :meth:`~.DSSC_1MGeometry.position_modules_cartesian` and
:meth:`~.DSSC_1MGeometry.plot_data_cartesian` to accept Xarray labelled array
objects (:ghpull:`207`).
- Fix alias for LPD PyFAI detector class (:ghpull:`190`).




- New methods to assemble DSSC data and convert the hexagonal pixels onto a
square grid: :meth:`~.DSSC_1MGeometry.position_modules_cartesian` and
:meth:`~.DSSC_1MGeometry.plot_data_cartesian` (:ghpull:`174`).




- New method :meth:`.DSSC_1MGeometry.plot_data_hexes` to plot DSSC data, drawing
a hexagon for each pixel. This is slower than regular plotting, but more
accurately represents what the detector 'saw' (:ghpull:`167`).
- More useful labels, and an option to supply custom module labels, for JUNGFRAU
geometry in :meth:`~.JUNGFRAUGeometry.inspect` (:ghpull:`177`).
- Fix assembling JUNGFRAU images from labelled array with module numbers
starting from 1 (:ghpull:`169`).
- Fix a bug writing some geometry objects to CrystFEL format ``.geom``
files (:ghpull:`163`)

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