Features: - V2 engine with ML calibration - Calibration matrices - Changing API into returning two event objects: gevent and calibration event - Saving and loading model
Fixes: - Calibration cursor is not moving after calibration - Removed "jumping cursor" in V2, caused by V1 calibration.
Features: - Dynamic switching RoI size after moving head [Do not trigger new calibration]
Fix: - Fixing debug prints
1.3.4_App_0.0.3 Fixes: - Calibration is not crashing
Features: - CSV are chunked into multiple files of 100 lines - Added script for heatmaps - Sensitivity settings - Plenty of new UI components - Screen capture is taken at 1 second rate - Frame rate is cap at 30 fps.
Windows App Features: - Fixation threshold control - Radius threshold control - Screen recorder with button control (into list of .pngs) - Data recorder (into csv) - New layout - Upgraded calibration - Regions Of Interests - RoIs and Gaze viewer
Bugs: - Fixed bug in passing context instead of display to context
Important: 1.3.4 lib released to PyPi
- License GPL3 added - changes in pytoml
- Updated interface from 1.2.2
Features: 1. Configurable ROI starting points 2. Configurable ROI sizes