------- - Added ``createContinuousFuturesContract(symbol, exchange)`` - ``createFuturesContract()`` accepts SYMBOL (ie ``ES``) and creates continuous contract
------- - Making ``_get_active_account()`` (formerly ``_get_default_account_if_none()``) more fool-proof
------- - Better hanling of MOO/MOC orders (+ in bracket orders) - Cancelling orphan orders (stop/target) on same-instrument fills - Automaticaly rounding order prices to acceptable ticksize for contract - Added quantity, side, and sub-orders' ids to order metadata - Setting ``outsideRth`` to ``False`` if ``TIF`` is ``OPG`` (for MOO orders) - Default target order type changed to ``Market if Touched`` - Using "ISLAND" exchanged when "NASDAQ" is entered (ISLAND = NASDAQ) - Misc code refactoring and minor bug fixes
------- - Support for multiple/FA accounts! - Get info using ``getAccount('DUXXXXXX')``, ``getPositions('DUXXXXXX')``, ``getPortfolio('DUXXXXXX')``, or ``getOrders('DUXXXXXX')`` - Submit order to specific account using by specifing ``account=DUXXXXXX`` in ``create*Order()`` or ``placeOrder()`` methods
------- - ``handleTrailingStops()`` checks for on "if touched"
------- - ``handleNextValidId()`` initiates new orderId counter for each session