- `clear_waiting()` function to clear the waiting queue.
- Added `stop_on_lane_error` parameter to `ezpq.Job` to allow for short-circuiting a synchronous lane if a job in the lane fails. When set to `True` and the preceding job has a non-zero exit code, this job will not be run. Note that this is to be set per-job for flexibility.
- Additional unit tests.
- `stop_all()` function now clears the waiting queue and terminate running jobs. This addresses a bug where a queue would fail to close when disposing with jobs still in the waiting queue.
- The default `poll` for the queue itself is still `0.1`. Now, the default `poll` for `get` and `wait` is equal to the `poll` for the queue itself, as it makes no sense to check for changes more freqeuntly than changes could arise.
- Removed functions `has_waiting`, `has_work`, and `has_completed`. Use `size(...)` for this.
- Renamed `Queue.is_started` to `Queue.is_running`.