- Calibration plot `fairscoring.plots.plot_groupwise_score_calibration` to visualize calibration bias.
- Cumulative distribution plot `fairscoring.plots.plot_groupwise_cdfs` and the difference `fairscoring.plots.plot plot_cdf_diffs`.
to visualize independence, equal opportunity and predictive equality bias.
- Custom colormaps in `fairscoring.plots.colors`.
Bias Result Objects
- New result type `IntegralBiasResult` now contain the cdfs of the group distributions.
- Submodules of `fairscoring.metrics` are now public.
- The class `TwoGroupMixin` is now called `TwoGroupMetric`.
This allows for a more consistent naming scheme.
- The default bias metrics where renamed from ``bias_``-prefix to a ``bias_metric_``-prefix.
This was done, because the old names like ``bias_eo`` are ideal names for variables holding the result of a bias computation.
- Extended documentation now available at [readthedocs](
- The independence bias has no default instance `fairscoring.metrics.bias_ind` anymore.
The reason is, that independence bias is no recommended bias metric.