🚀 Features
- Initialize fastapi-filter-sort package with core functionality, dependencies, and configuration files
- Add example application and enhance query builder functionality
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Update User model to use 'selectin' loading for role relationship
🚜 Refactor
- Imports in main.py and enhance QueryParams with detailed descriptions and examples for filters, sort, and search parameters
- QueryParams to simplify filter and sort descriptions in params.py
- SQLAlchemy models to use Mapped type annotations and update Python version requirements in pyproject.toml and poetry.lock
📚 Documentation
- Update README with setup instructions and dependencies for the project
- Update contributing guidelines to reflect new branch naming convention
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update .gitignore to exclude test database and PyPI distribution files
- Update README to use 'poetry run' for running the application, bump version to 0.1.1, and adjust SQLAlchemy dependency
- Add changelog and configuration for git-cliff
- Update CHANGELOG for version 0.1.1 with new features, bug fixes, refactors, and documentation updates
- Add GitHub Actions workflow for publishing to PyPI on version tags
- Update GitHub Actions workflow to specify Python version and install Poetry
- Update publish workflow to create GitHub release and adjust Python version in README
- Update CHANGELOG for version 0.1.0 and adjust workflows for GitHub Actions and publishing
- Clean up publish workflow by removing GitHub Release step
- Update version to 0.1.3 and adjust dependency constraints in pyproject.toml
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