This build adds an input cleaning routine before processing with `fasttext` in order to prevent parsing errors due to new-line characters.
This build introduces the `XYZ /` endpoint, which is used for performing health checks against the server. It unconditionally serves `200` with an empty response body.
`XYZ` can be any canonical HTTP method.
This release adds improved console logging, including request logs and logs for each detection.
- Initial release! - `POST /detectOne` endpoint added. This endpoint detects the language of a single utterance. - `POST /detectMany` endpoint added. This endpoint detects the language of an array of utterances. - CORS preflight endpoints for both the `POST /detectOne` and `POST /detectMany` operations. - Worker count can be configured at runtime with the `--workers` command-line option. - CORS domain can be specified at runtime with the `--cors` command-line option (omission disables CORS support).