This is a new major release of FastEstimator. Here are the highlights of new release:
* New framework backend: TF 2.11, torch 2.0.1
* Introduced `IfElse` Helper function to help create simplified code
* New Apphub: keypoint detection - HRNet, 3D segmentation - 3DUnet+, Line Search, LeViT
* Added use your own dataset section to help with adapting to new task
* Updated SimCLR apphub for better efficiency
* Fix in-place operation in PGGAN in pytorch that cause graph to fail randomly
* New dataset class - Interleave dataset to switch dataset on per-step basis for multi-task learning.
* Added keypoint to mscoco dataset
* Added Pascal VOC dataset, MedMnist dataset
* Add filtering functionality to the csv dataset class
* Created custom pycocotools API to resolve pycocotool compilation issue
* Migrated several dataset hosting to google drive for stability
* Improved stability of batchdataset probability sampling
* Fixed eval logging for multi-ds users
* Pipeline can now be instantiated without datasets
* Fixed issue encountered with Onehot encoding
* Added probability to OneOf NumpyOp
* enabled warmup, eager, summary argument in run cli
* Fixed an issue when model's optimizer is None, the model_lr will not be printed at the end of training
* Fixed a performance issue of torch unet
* New patch-based inferencing class - Slicer
* enabled multi-dimensional support for cross entropy loss
* Since Mixup and Cutmix no longer uses MixLoss, remove the class and update docstring
* Update focal loss's default mode to be consistent with other lossOp
* Resolved L1 loss dimension mismatch issue
* Focal loss rework
* Introduced RepeatOp for tensor operations
* Added probability to OneOf TensorOp
* Add BatchDisplay and GridDisplay traces
* FE logging visualization will work with single file
* Extending visualization to keypoints and masks
* CSV logger rework
* added classification AUC trace
* Dice Trace rework
* fixed an issue of restore with unhashable param loading
* Updated pytorch model summary for traceability report
* Fixed multi-gpu model traceability graph
* Traceability Report now displays hardware information
* Updated yapf setting to work with recent yapf versions
* new benchmarking tool for better speed and resource monitoring
* New support matrix added to help user install past FE versions
* Fix ipython version due to its recent release upgrade that no longer supports python 3.8 below
* Updated Mac installation guide
Thank everyone who provided their feedbacks and made contribution to FE.