* dev or rc: `major.minor.patch.devX`, 0.1.10.dev0
For fastprogress, due to its simplicity and usage, there is probably no need for intermediary `.devX` stage. So just normal `bump` will do when a new version is released.
PyPI details
To build a PyPI package and release it on [pypi.org/](https://pypi.org/project/fastprogress/):
1. Build the pip packages (source and wheel)
make dist-pypi
2. Publish:
make upload-pypi
Note: PyPI won't allow re-uploading the same package filename, even if it's a minor fix. If you delete the file from pypi or test.pypi it still won't let you do it. So either a patch-level version needs to be bumped (A.B.C++) or some [post release string added](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#post-releases) in `version.py`.
3. Test that the uploaded package is found and gets installed:
Test the webpage so that the description looks correct: [https://pypi.org/project/fastprogress/](https://pypi.org/project/fastprogress/)
Test installation:
pip install fastprogress
Conda details
To build a Conda package and release it on [anaconda.org](https://anaconda.org/fastai/fastprogress):
1. Build the fastprogress conda package:
make dist-conda
2. Upload
make upload-conda
3. Test that the uploaded package is found and gets installed:
Test the webpage so that the description looks correct: [https://pypi.org/project/fastprogress/](https://pypi.org/project/fastprogress/)
Test installation:
conda install -c fastai fastprogress
`make clean` removes any intermediary build artifacts.
`make` will show all possible targets with a short description of what they do.
Release notes
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