Tutorial to use the new simulator
The simulator can apply `Actions` wrapped around an `Event` instance. Events define when to perform the action, and can define an optional `Recurrence` to perform the action regularly (e.g. every month, at the end of each year, ...).
There are currently three supported actions for now:
- **ApplyPerformance:** Change the amounts of each `Line` depending on the specified `LinePerf` expected investment performance. By default, this action is already added in the list of events in the configuration and executes on each December 31st.
- **AutoBalance:** For folders and lines that use `TargetRatio` targets, Finalynx will automatically apply the ideal amounts for each `Line`. This corresponds to following the Finalynx recommendations. By default, this event is automatically added and executed every 3 months.
- **Salary**: Specify which `Line` in the portfolio should receive a specific amount each month. This class is simply a shortcut to:
Event(AddLineAmount(your_account, 2500), recurrence=MonthlyRecurrence(day_of_the_month, until=end_date))
To activate the simulator with the default events, add the following to your config :
from finalynx import Portfolio, Assistant, Simulation
portfolio = Portfolio()
Assistant(portfolio, ..., simulation=Simulation()).run() activate the simulation (with default behavior)
Some other parameters can be set:
livreta = Line("Livret A", ...)
portfolio = Portfolio(children=[..., livreta, ...])
buckets = [...] Create a list with the references to your buckets (if any)
envelopes = [...] Create a list with the references to your envelopes (if any)
assistant = Assistant(
..., Other options
events=[ Your personal config of events (salaries for now, more coming soon!)
Salary(livreta, income=2300, expenses=1400, end_date=date(2024, 11, 30)),
Event(AddLineAmount(livreta, 3500), planned_date=date(2024, 4, 10), name="Prime"),
Event(AddLineAmount(livreta, 3500), planned_date=date(2025, 4, 10), name="Prime"),
Salary(livreta, income=3000, expenses=2000, start_date=date(2025, 1, 1), name="Futur Job"),
inflation=3.0, Percentage of inflation, will reduce each line's performance by this much
end_date=date(2063, 4, 5), Defaults to 100 years after today
step_years=5, Show a summary of the portfolio's total worth every X years in the console
default_events=True, Add default events to the ones specified above, defaults to True
Please open a discussion topic if you're interested for more information!
* build: bump finary_uapi to 0.1.4 ([`dc4bab6`](https://github.com/MadeInPierre/finalynx/commit/dc4bab68a89e6a9df57b9cc64a7acbdb8166cb0b))
* docs: add readme french (137) by Strawbang
* feat(simulation): simulate your portfolio&39;s future (136)
* feat: create timeline structure, display worth evolution
* feat: add default event to apply yearly performance
* feat: add autobalance default quarterly event
* fix: ask before fetching from N26
* docs: add docstrings ([`3349f66`](https://github.com/MadeInPierre/finalynx/commit/3349f660c183ada495110349706958ab7cc5d39a))