A rework of the `fio_banka` module.
I was not satisfied with unintuitive method names and the state of testing. As pragmatic TDD focuses primarily on testing contracts with the user (i.e. the module public API), it gave me an opportunity to rethink it again, make it more user-friendly, with high confidence in the new tests and their coverage.
BREAKING CHANGE: The core functionality is still the same, mostly the names have changed - now they are more meaningful. Functions for retrieving data from transaction reports and account statements have been converted to static methods of `fio_banka.Account`. Method names contain clear reference to the format (enum) they consume. For the new API overview, see the module docstring.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/peberanek/fio-banka/compare/v2.0.2...v3.0.0