* Updated LaunchPad schema for FireWorks >= 2, see issues https://github.com/ikondov/fireworks_schema/issues/5, https://github.com/materialsproject/fireworks/issues/469 and PR https://github.com/materialsproject/fireworks/pull/471 * Works with PyMongo >= 3.9.0 and FireWorks >= 2.0.2
* `FWorker` schema now requires `name`, `category` and `query` properties (see issue https://github.com/ikondov/fireworks_schema/issues/2) * Inputs with equal names now allowed in `PyTask` schema (see issue https://github.com/ikondov/fireworks_schema/issues/3)
* small changes in README * updated requirements, setup.py and license
This is the first release. Includes JSON schema, validators and tests.