* ⛏️ New ``--aaa-act-block-style`` option added with corresponding
``aaa_act_block_style`` config value. Only default behaviour supported at
this stage, but makes room to fix the `Black formatting problems in issue
200 <https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-AAA/issues/200>`_.
* 📕 New "Options and configuration" page added to documentation to support
`issue 200 <https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-AAA/issues/200>`_.
* ⛏️ New tox configuration added ``PIP_INDEX_URL`` pointed at locally running
`devpi server instance <https://github.com/devpi/devpi>`_.
* ⛏️ Faker added to test requirements to generate random data.
* 📕 Previous documentation page "Controlling Flake8-AAA" contained information
on both code directives (`` noqa``, etc) and how to use the command line
tool. These have been split into two separate pages: "Directives" and
"Command line".
* ⛏️ Documentation can be built locally with ``make docs`` recipe, but this has
been adjusted to call tox.