* Add ``zoneinfo`` to list of standard library modules * Fix registering of options with Flake8 >= 6.0
* Fix case-sensitive related I100 errors for the pycharm style * Fix noqa regexp
* Add new Python 3.7 modules to the stdlib list, and support 3.7.
* Rebuild of 0.17 with the latest setuptools to fix an enum34 dependency bug.
* Add all Python3 modules to stdlib list (should be no more missing modules). * Clarify the error messages (more context). * Allow styles to override specific checks. * Correct the edited style to match the actual edited style guide. * Add pycharm style, to match the pycharm auto formatter.
* Change spacing determination to consider only blank newlines as a space. This adds NewLine nodes to the checker and hence could break custom styles (that use the nodes directly). This also drops the asttokens dependency as it is no longer required. * Understand the existance of namespaced packages, thereby allowing different namespaced pacakages to be defined as local or third party.