Bugfixes * Don't emit Y053 for long strings inside `Literal` slices or metadata strings inside `Annotated` slices.
Other changes: * `flake8-pyi` no longer supports being run using Python 3.8. As a result, it not longer depends on the third-party `ast_decompiler` package.
Bugfixes * Allow the use of `typing_extensions.TypeVar` in stubs. `typing_extensions.TypeVar` has the *default* parameter, which only exists on Python 3.13+ when using `typing.TypeVar`. * Reduce false positives from Y052 in relation to enum subclasses.
Other changes * Declare support for Python 3.13
New error codes: * Y066: When using if/else with `sys.version_info`, put the code for new Python versions first.
Bugfixes: * Fix Y026 false positive: allow simple assignment to `None` in class scopes if the class is known to be an enum class.
New error codes: * Y064: Use simpler syntax to define final literal types. For example, use `x: Final = 42` instead of `x: Final[Literal[42]]` * Y065: Don't use bare `Incomplete` in parameter and return annotations.
Bugfixes: * Y090: Fix false positive for `tuple[Unpack[Ts]]`.
New error codes: * Y063: Use [PEP 570 syntax](https://peps.python.org/pep-0570/) to mark positional-only arguments, rather than [the older Python 3.7-compatible syntax](https://peps.python.org/pep-0484/#positional-only-arguments) described in PEP 484.