- Deprecated Python versions lower than 3.6.0. Now supporting 3.6.0 and 3.7.0 - Stop using example app
- Removes support for Python 2.7 - Updates Flask dependency
- Removes support for Python 2.6. - Adds an advanced example using MethodViews and Blueprints. (23) - Amends deprecated import of Flask extensions via `flask.ext`. (29)
- Improved factory pattern support. (19) - Added example of using a dynamic list constructor with variables. (16 17) - Allows usage of ordered breadcrumbs as menu. (15)
- The Flask-Breadcrumbs extension is now released under more permissive Revised BSD License. (11) - Documentation improvements. (13) - Extension initialization improvements. (12) - Support for Python 3.4. (5)