Released October 28th 2016
- Replaced token loader with request loader.
- Changed trackable behavior of `login_user` when IP can not be detected from a request from 'untrackable' to `None` value.
- Use ProxyFix instead of inspecting X-Forwarded-For header.
- Fix identical problem with app as with datastore.
- Removed always-failing assertion.
- Fixed failure of init_app to set self.datastore.
- Changed to new style flask imports.
- Added proper error code when returning JSON response.
- Changed obsolette Required validator from WTForms to DataRequired. Bumped Flask-WTF to 0.13.
- Fixed missing `SECURITY_SUBDOMAIN` in config docs.
- Added cascade delete in PeeweeDatastore.
- Added notes to docs about `SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES`.
- Send password reset instructions if an attempt has expired.
- Added "Forgot password?" link to LoginForm description.
- Upgraded passlib, and removed bcrypt version restriction.
- Removed a duplicate line ('retype_password': 'Retype Password') in forms.py.
- Various documentation improvement.
Flask-Security Changelog
Here you can see the full list of changes between each Flask-Security release.