What's Changed
* Add python_files configuration for pytest by ollipa in https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock/pull/121
* Fix build installs too many files by ollipa in https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock/pull/124
* Re-organize unit tests by ollipa in https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock/pull/114
* Small improvements (re-enable lints, update deps, add py.typed file) by ollipa in https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock/pull/125
* Add warning to docs about new_instances method by ollipa in https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock/pull/127
* Update pytest and other dev dependencies by ollipa in https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock/pull/126
**Full Changelog**: https://flexmock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog/#release-0113