What's new in 0.5.0 (September 2024)
This page details the changes for version 0.5.0 of Flood Modeller Python API
New features
- [Hydrology+ support](https://api.floodmodeller.com/api/user_guide/hydrology_plus.html) - users can now use the API to load exported Hydrology+ data from Flood Modeller to read the data or generate new simulations programmatically.
- Added `floodmodeller_api.units.RIVER.active_data` property to the `RIVER` class to allow quick access to the activated subset of the data ([issue](https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/issues/120)).
- Added `floodmodeller_api.IEF.flowtimeprofiles` attribute to `IEF` class to allow better support for flow time profile data. [See more info here](flowtimeprofile_section).
- [Speed improvements to conveyance calculation](https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/issues/117) to allow conveyance for even very large sections to be calculated very fast.
- [Support for comments in IEDs](https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/127).
- Increased test coverage and lots of code improvements under the hood!
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue related to HTBDY units in models from legacy versions of Flood Modeller ([issue](https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/issues/16)).
Merged PRs
* Fix legacy HTBDY option in wrong column by joe-pierce in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/119
* 120 get active section data by joe-pierce in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/121
* update ruff version by scleakey in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/126
* 118 ief from blank reads attributes explicitly as by joe-pierce in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/122
* Ied comment support by joe-pierce in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/127
* Optimise conveyance by scleakey in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/123
* 116 hydrology plus by VicCabPo in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/124
* Remove some noqa by scleakey in https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/pull/129
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/People-Places-Solutions/floodmodeller-api/compare/v0.4.4...v0.5.0