New Features:
* Reviewer list is now a better widget and is searchable and sorted.
* Ordering for dropdown selections - done by ordering on non-displayed
value (note added to dropdown iframe form to that effect).
* Update CKEditor to 3.4
* Change display of boolean values to be icon based.
* Icons for each of the currently written field types for easier field selection
* Template tag for rendering pre/post text as templates
(including tags/filters, etc). Added to apply.html default template
for rendering.
* Template tag for rendering a form anywhere.
* Static media linking/copying easier with command line extension of
func_media_link for symlinking media and func_media_copy for copying the media.
* Better display of available for definitions (tr:hover added).
Bug fixes:
* Multi submit authenticated e-mail only forms weren't allowing multi-submit.
* There were several broken login type issues leftover from django 1.0.
* Storage duplicate slug across application definition issue resolved.
* If optional file field left blank, template error on null field resolved.
* Corrected language on confirmation screen of authenticated forms
that may have lead users to believe the form was submitted when
it hadn't been.
* Fixed form building checkbox labels to have proper labels and behavior